Saturday, July 15, 2017

Miracles Do Happen & Value Village Finds!!!

 Let's just start out with Charlie is a poop! Maybe I should rephrase that...Charlie is a cat! That should explain everything! He is not a lap cat...AT ALL! Michael wanted a lap cat so badly and we got an anti-lap cat. 

On Saturday July 1st Charlie was outside all night long. This is not unusual...he's outside all night most nights. On Sunday he was so tired though. I don't know if he was chasing bunnies around all night or what, but he was just plain tuckered out. The kids were at Ga-Ga & Pa's so he was able to really go into a deep sleep. He had curled up in his house or attic as Zeke likes to call it on his cat condo. 

He's so cute all curled up in there, but it would be nice if the cat actually snuggled with us!!! I was walking by and decided to put a blanket on Michael's lap and just see if Charlie would lay with him. In order to get Charlie out of his house I had to unscrew one of the platforms from the cat condo. Michael was sure that me doing that had already stirred Charlie enough that he was not going to stay with him. 

But look....miracles do happen people!!!! 

He actually stayed with Michael for over 2 hours!!!! 

I took these pictures when I was heading out the door to go shopping with Kim. He's such a cute cat...I just wish he would realize that cats are supposed to snuggle!!! 

Anyways...Kim and I went shopping at Value was 50% day. I had been wanting to look for more T-shirts and shorts so I was excited when she texted me asking if I could go. 

I found some fun stuff for the kids as well. The cute Bermuda shorts and fun festive tank top are of course for Ella. I saw those right when we walked in the door. I found 3 pairs of Old Navy jeans for Jackson....he is awful with jeans....for $1.75 a piece!!! Then I found these really nice sandals for Owen...they don't even look like they've been worn. They were only $5. I really didn't need to get Zeke anything, but I couldn't come home empty handed since I got the other 3 something. He could really use a few more short sleeve shirts so it was nice to find this Avengers shirt that looked brand new! 

In June I went shopping at Value Village found a few shirts and have since realized that I really like Mossimo brand. They are comfortable and they fit nicely. I like them so much that I actually bought that purple one twice. It was only $1.25 so why not!!! 4 of the shirts I bought that night were Mossimo! In all I got 7 shirts, one pair of shorts....the greenish ones until the coral shirt and then a white sweater cover up. The grand total for 16 things was only $39.11!!!! Yay for another successful shopping adventure! Plus it's always nice to spend time with your best friend chatting about life! 

After going through Michael's closet I decided I should have picked up some stuff for him as well. Good thing the sale was still going on on the 4th of July! I ended up finding him a pair of Wrangler Jeans that don't look like they've even been worn...half price they were $10. I found two pairs of Dockers shorts that are in perfect condition...half price they were $4.25 a piece. I also found him 4 t-shirts!

After looking for Michael it dawned on me why not go shopping for back to school clothes. 50% off already low prices is going to be way cheaper than even shopping at Wal-Mart! I found Owen 3 short sleeve shirts and 4 long sleeve shirts. The one in the middle on the left is the best. It says..." awesomeness will blow your mind!" It has a shark shooting laser beams out it's eyes...the laser beams are pizza. There is a stick figure riding on the shark...oh and the shark is on fire. The stick figure is holding 2 pieces of bacon. There is also an alien riding in a cheeseburger spaceship. It's totally ridiculous that's why it's perfect for Owen.

I got 3 shirts for Ella. I love the one that says, Smart, Honest & Kind. It reminds me of the movie The Help even though she didn't say exactly those words. She said...You's Kind, You's Smart, You's Important! 

I only found these two shirts for Jack, but he really has a ton of clothing so I'm not too worried about him. The white and blue Old Navy shirt only ended up costing .89!!! 

Zeke is in need of short sleeve shirts. I found these two and they were right up his alley! 

I also found this cute dress for Ella, but didn't notice the train had a hole in it until I got to Ga-Ga's house. Nuts! Thankfully you can exchange things at Value Village within 7 days. 

On Friday July 7th we had to run some errands so we stopped at the Value Village in Southcenter and I found this cute dress. At first Ella did not want it, but then once she put it on she seriously wore it for 3 days straight! When the exchange was done I only had to pay .28!!! 

So in all for the second shopping trip on the 4th I got 22 pieces of clothing including the dress with the hole and I only paid $65!!! I love getting deals!!!!

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