Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Seabrook Vacation - Day 2

The next day was my 37th birthday! 

We got a slow start getting ready. Mainly because I thought it would be fun to download Snapchat. I had heard fun things about it, but I just don't have time to do that sort of thing at home. I had so much fun being silly with my kids. It's was so great! In fact we have been spending a few minutes each day playing around with all the different filters. It's definitely what some may call a waste of time, but since the kids and I have so much fun I don't think of it that way. 

We decided that we would play around round of shuffleboard before taking back the poles and disks. It wasn't raining, but it was definitely cooler! 

Pa got a fun picture of the kids! 

Ga-Ga, Pa and I had to head back to the house to get better shoes to wear to the beach so Michael went ahead and took the shuffleboard stuff back and then went to the beach with the kids. Once we were finished at the house we headed down to the beach too. We did take the wrong path and ended up having to back track a bit. 

That's a bunch of stairs! 

At the bottom of the stairs you had to go across this board that was laying over the little stream. 

By the time we got out there Michael was already well on his way to having a nice sandcastle. Ella and Jack were helping him with that. 

I went straight to the water! I love the ocean! 

As I was standing there I was reminded of the song with the line..."Who told the ocean you can only come this far". 


Pa was taking pictures too! 

Ella Bean does not like the ocean water at all. She says the salt makes her itchy! 

This dude loves it though! 

Ga-Ga & Pa did stay too long. Pa's hip was hurting him. 

They did have to get pictures with their Zeke boy. I bet the other kiddos were just too busy to stop playing! 

Michael working his magic! 

Ella really wanted to go over to the dry sand so I took her and Zeke away from the beach. 

I told the kids that they needed to rub the dry sand on their wet feet and eventually the dry sand would make the wet sand come off. 

It did work, but it also was quite exfoliating! 

Since it was my birthday we decided to go out to eat. I had been looking on Google for restaurants and I decided on this Italian restaurant in Ocean Shores. We drove into town and pulled up in front of it and that's when I noticed a sign on the door. Michael got out to check it out and sure enough it was closed. The neighboring store owner said that they were open on Thursday and then closed on Friday. Crazy! We had past another restaurant that I had eaten at before so we went back to that one. It didn't have the best reviews and I could see why. The service wasn't the greatest....they were short staffed and they forgot my food. Our server was a very sweet lady though. The food was great, but a bit overpriced....hello kids meals with boxed Kraft Mac 'n Cheese for over $5! It was sure nice that I didn't have to make dinner on my birthday though!!! 

On our way back to Seabrook we decided to drive on the beach. There had just been a wedding on the beach....the bride and groom were still taking pictures. 

The sunset was amazing!!! The kids did not want to get out though....they had other plans on their mind!!! 

Pool plans!!! 

I did not bring my swimsuit with me....I really don't like swimming that much. Give me a water slide and I'm in, but just a pool...no thanks! 

It was so much fun not being in the water! I loved getting to take pictures! I also figured out how to do Instastories and I loved it! 

Michael was hard at work helping Ella and Zeke. 

He was trying to get them both more comfortable with the water. 

Even though they had life jackets on at first they were still apprehensive.

Zeke would not let go of Michael he just kept hanging on and giggling his nervous giggle. 

Owen is my fish!!! 

Ella started getting more and more comfortable! 

Jack was nervous as well, but he would never admit it. He was adamant about staying right up against the shallow wall.  

Michael just kept on working with Zeke and slowly he was more confident.

Ella Bean was doing so well! 

Then Zeke Man decided that he was ALL IN!!! 

Jumping off the side and having Daddy catch him! 

He was hilarious because he would run in place and then start running to the pool, but instead of jumping at the edge of the pool he would just keep running!!! 

I'm so glad I was able to sit and enjoy all the of the kids swimming and it was also a plus that I wasn't soaking wet on the cold walk back to the house!!! 

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