Thursday, December 14, 2017

Decorating For Christmas!

We usually put our tree up the weekend after Thanksgiving. In years past we've decorated our church on that Saturday so then we usually put our tree up on Sunday. This year we decorated our church the Sunday before Thanksgiving after church was over. Because of that we decided to decorate our tree on Saturday this year. 

We have honestly gotten decorating down to a science. It's awesome! Michael deals with putting the tree up. 

The kids help with the ornaments. That is after they've already helped me take down all the Fall decorations. I didn't do anything we the tree this year. Michael and the kids handled the whole thing. 

I did put up the other decorations around the house with the kids help as well. I asked the kids to stand next to their favorite decoration. Ella was so happy that she got to set up the Nativity set this year. That awesome JOY sign lights up. I got that after Christmas last year at Safeway on clearance for $7.50! It was originally $29.99! 

Zeke was super proud of the tree. We let the kids put up all the kiddie ornaments this year. We rotate back and forth between having a fancy tree or a kid tree.

Owen loved the tree as well and thought that Charlie needed to be in the picture with him.

Jackson liked the JOY sign the best. 

After decorating the older three wanted to play Phase 10. 

Ella had never played Phase 10 before, but she did good. Of course she needed help, but we did have fun! 

Phase 10 is a little too hard for Zeke so Michael played Life with Zeke instead. 

I think we only made it halfway to Phase 10 so it was really Phase 5!!!

It's funny because it's been over 3 weeks since we decorated and I just now noticed that we never actually hung up the stockings!!! We put the stocking holders up on the mantle, but forgot the stockings. I think they are in a box that Michael didn't actually bring down because we are also missing the other Nativity set that I like to put up as well! 

Here's a new decoration that we have up on the mantle this year. Ellen gave me this right before she moved to Arizona. It's the last year that Santa Al was really able to play Santa. We had a fun special Christmas time with him at Ga-Ga & Pa's house. This is the first year with no Santa Al! We are missing him for sure, but we know he's having the best Christmas EVER!!! Also the kids Santa gifts this year are actually really from Santa. They are the last gifts that Ellen had from Al's stash of Santa gifts. That's going to make this years Santa gifts extra special! 

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