Thursday, January 18, 2018

Hello Fresh Round 2!

The week before Christmas I had set up another round of Hello Fresh deliveries. I had gotten another coupon for 50% off. 

This was a poblano pepper meal with rice and ground turkey was super yummy! 

This was pork with a cherrie topping and couscous. I didn't really care for this one. 

This was salmon with couscous and green beans. This one was good, but wasn't a super huge jump from things we normally would eat. 

I went ahead and cancel my subscription right after this because I still don't think it's worth the $60 price for 3 meals. I do love getting the recipe cards and trying new things. We have started to cook more with couscous now. I'll for sure make the poblano pepper meal again. I do have one more coupon for 50% off, but I'm not sure if it will work because I think it might be expired. I will try though....later this spring to use it though. 

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