Friday, February 16, 2018

Happy 8th Birthday Ella Grace!!!

I can't believe my baby girl is 8 years old! 

Let's take a look at the last year for Ella Bean! 

So happy to have her new bedding from Ga-Ga & Pa. 

Last year right after her birthday we went to Great Wolf Lodge for the first time. She had a blast, but we didn't monitor her fluid intake so we had to leave earlier than we wanted to, but she's worth it! :) 

Ella's best friend Logan got her fake nails for her birthday. She LOVES them! 

Ella loves her kitty baby Charlie and Charlie loves Ella or at least her room. He's always trying to sneak in there when it's bedtime. We don't let him sleep with her, but he does love to guard her door during the night. 

Ella with her beautiful crown that Ms. Ellen gave her. 

Working hard at writing in her prayer journal. 

Ella is always so happy when she gets new clothes! 

I took both her and Owen to get their eyes checked. She wanted to have glasses so bad! She would look pretty darn cute in them. 

At Easter time we saw these cute dresses and we took a picture to see which one Pa liked better. 

I think he liked the pink one, but we didn't end up getting it. Not sure why! 

This was either from one of my trips to Value Village or the Mill Creek garage sales, but I got Ella these cute shoes and the striped top. 

Last year I got to go on Ella's first field trip to the zoo. We had so much fun! 

Trying out the curlers that I ordered. They really weren't long enough for her hair. Fun story though....I had seen these on FB and was reading the comments and a lady said that she ordered them, but didn't like them. She commented that she would be willing to mail them to anyone who wanted them. I contacted her and she still had them. I gave her our address and then completely forgot about. Months...seriously months later she sent them to us. She even included a card saying that she was sorry it took her so long to mail them to us. So awesome! They are the longer curlers so they should work better...I just haven't gotten around to using them yet. 

I had to take Ella to the Dr. because I thought she had hand, foot and mouth disease....which they said no, but then found out later they were just wrong and she did in fact have it. I just love this picture of her genuine laugh! 

Yay for the sunshine! Cute bathing beauty! 

I ordered this dress for Ella online thinking that I was ordering a matching set for the both of us. Nope....darn fine print! At least she got hers and it's super cute! 

Mother's Day tea with my girl! 

This was from Zeke's birthday...those are the dino eggs that Ella found. 

For the most part this is usually what pictures of Ella look like on my phone. It's almost a daily occurrence. 

New outfit that we bought for both her and Logan! 

Don't you go swinging in a dress and heels?!?!?

The only thing about these amazing hairstyles I spend forever doing is that they don't last for very long. 

Taking a dip in Ms. Rachael's pool! 

Walking into the gym for Kindergarten graduation. 

So proud my girl and all that she has accomplished! 

At the beach after the last day of kindergarten! 


Wearing her Twinkle Toes that Logan got her for her birthday! 

At the zoo! 

Ella loves to draw! 

This was what she was drawing. Her picture of the peacock that was visiting us! 

Celebrating the 4th of July while laying on a Christmas blanket! 

Modeling her new dress that I got her at Value Village. 

Dresses do not limit her climbing skills! 

Her favorite...Costco pizza. In fact that's what were having for dinner tonight! 

Jackson gave her a Pokemon card! 

Beautiful drawing! 

Best friends are the best!!! 

She didn't get nearly as sad as I thought she would when it was time to leave Logan's. I think that had to do with the fact that we were going to see her again in a week. 

Enjoying a sundae at the Ice Cream shop in Cody! 

On the way to Billings, Montana for a girls day! 

Getting gel nails for the first time! 

Riding in the Razor! 

At the Rodeo! 

Uncle Lee told us the best side to sit on was the Buzzard's Roost. We sat over there and had a great view of the shoots. I absolutely LOVE this picture of Uncle Lee. We had no idea that he'd be gone less than 5 months. Heaven gained a great man though and I can't wait to see him one day! 

Playing at a park in Thermopolis Wyoming just prior to the solar eclipse. 

Checking out the eclipse. 

It was so cool!!!! 

Time to head home from our Wyoming vacation! Ella's kitty Charlotte is by far her favorite stuffed animal right now. 

Time to say goodbye to Logan again! :( 

Here comes 1st grade!!! 

Back to school bash at Red Robin! 

School time! 

My cute first grader! 

Playing at the park in Seabrook! 

Discovering Snapchat with my girl! 

Getting her crafty time with Mama! 

Such pretty mermaid! 

Playing at the ocean! 

Elsa the Ice Queen! 

Playing Phase 10 for the first time with lots of help from Mommy! 

More hair pictures! 

Painting one of her Christmas presents....the other horse she gave to Caitlynn to paint! So precious! 

Me and my girl! 

Ella Grace you are so amazing. You never quit when you start are very determined. You are quite stubborn too! You love school, but you also love it when it's the weekend. You love your friends and ask almost daily if you can go to Kendra and Lily's house. You love playing with your Zeke in your clubhouse. You love to eat and you are my most adventurous eater. You love mushrooms, onions and peppers! I still can't get you to try a dill pickle though. You love wearing the least amount of clothes you can get away with. There have been many times where I've had to tell you to go change! You said something the other day that cracked me up. You said that when you are older you are going to be able to make your own choices in regards to what you wear. That's true dear, but while you're in my house! :) :) 

You are doing very well in school. You met all your IEP goals and almost graduated from speech, but your therapist wants to see if you can master the 'r' sound since you are 8 years old now. You are getting better at sounding out words, but you still get frustrated and you had a hard time with sight words. I know you'll get there though! You love to go on your Kindle and watch Netflix. This mermaid show, Jessie and Bunked are your favorite. 

For your birthday we are having a girl party and we are going to sing along to a bunch of Disney songs. Parties look a little differently since Mama started to work so it's not going to be nearly as amazing as your tea party, but it's still going to be fun. We are hoping that Logan will be able to make it, but of course it decided to snow in the pass so that might not happen. I am planning on taking you to see Logan this summer, but still it would be so fun to see her now. Darn weather!!! 

Ella are my only girl. I am so happy that God knew that I needed you my sweet pea. I know that you are sad that your don't have a sister, but this how God wanted our family to be. You have no trouble making lots of friends so you are never lacking in girl time. You are so precious and everyone that ever meets you just falls in love with you and your sweetness. You have a way with winning others over. Ella Grace I am so proud of what you have accomplished this last year and I can't wait to see what you will do this year. I love you so much my sweet girl! 

Happy Birthday Ella! 

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