Thursday, June 7, 2018

Tacoma Rainier's Game!

On Saturday, May 19th our church went to the Tacoma Rainier's game. We did this with them for the first time last year and we thought it was its way more reasonable cost wise then taking the kids to a Mariner's game. Last year we had 20 people go, but this year 48 people signed up. It was so fun that so many people decided to come. The best part was how good the tickets were. We got the Little Caesar's deal so the tickets were sold in 4-packs for $44. On top of the tickets you also got dogs, chips and water, plus 4 Rainier's hats, plus you got coupons to use later for Little Caesar's pizza and crazy bread, plus you got buy one get one free coupons for the Point Defiance Zoo AND the Museum of Glass. It was a screaming good deal! 

Last year we arrived late because traffic was a nightmare. We did not want a repeat so we dropped Ella and Zeke off at Ga-Ga & Pa's and then we headed out early with the older boys. Because of getting there so early we were able to hang out on the playground prior to the game. 

It was perfect timing because right when we got to the play-area all the Little League kids had been called over to the field. Because of this it was practically deserted. 

Handsome boy with this transition lens! 

I love that Jack was wearing his hat backwards. The hats were really good quality! 

When we first walked through the door there was this table set up with the hats and they were also handing out Little Caesar's cookies. The boys wanted to go back and see if they had anymore cookies. I didn't see any, but Little Caesar himself was there so I got the boys picture with him. 

My kids usually do not want their pictures taken with all...ever! I actually love that they don't like it because that is one of my least favorite thing to do at any fair or amusement park of any kind. Characters for the most part weird me out. 

Hanging out with my main squeeze!!! 

Last years game was super boring! Nothing happened until we finally left in the 8th inning. The kids could make it any longer because they were freezing. This year we came prepared with blankets! The best part was the game was SO entertaining. I think the second play of the game the catcher missed the ball and the guy on first was able to steal second. There were home runs, double plays, errors, a broken bat, a batter got hit by the pitch, the catcher interfered with the name it, it happened. Super entertaining! 

Jack was ready with his mitt! Owen was just there for the food! ;)

Also the seats were amazing! Right there between home plate and first base. Amazing! There was only one downside to the entire event. RAIN!!!! Shortly after the game began it started raining. Of course when I checked the weather earlier it said 24% chance, but nope it rained and rained and rained. We learned the year before to bring blankets since we got chilly, but we did not bring any raincoats or ponchos. we know to bring those things as well. The funny thing is it felt fine while it was raining, but when it stopped that's when the temperature dropped and I was super aware that I was soaking wet. The boys of course were complaining and asking to go home! We ended up making it to the end of the 5th and then we called it. Almost everyone that had come from church had already left as well. It was really fun even if we had to leave early. I honestly can't wait to go next year! I'm definitely going to try to get the seats in the same section again! 

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