Sunday, September 23, 2018

Oregon Camping Trip - Day 1 & 2

Earlier this year after we got our trailer, Christina and I started chatting about taking a vacation together this summer. My first choice was going up to Mount St. Helen's...we have been trying to get there for years, but it just never seems to work out. Well it didn't work out this time either because all the good places were booked and everything else is dry camping...which we all know how we are never doing that EVER AGAIN! So we just sort of put plans on hold...until one day my Dad sent us an email about going down to McMinnville, Oregon to see the Spruce Goose. Now I can't remember if Dad was the one to first mention the water park or if I was the one to bring it up. I do remember seeing the water park a couple years ago on FB and thought it would be fun. After chatting some more we decided to not only go to McMinnville, but to travel over to the Oregon coast as well. 

On Thursday, August 23rd we hopped in the van and took off with the trailer. Thankfully the workers had showed up that morning to finish clearing the driveway so we could get the trailer out of the garage. We stayed at Olde Stone Village RV park which is right next door to the Museum and the water park. On the map it did show there was a walking path, but it was quite a long walk so in the end we just drove over there. The park is really a 55+ mobile home park that has an RV park in the middle. It is very nicely taken care of. There are a TON of rules though! 

Like no splashing, no jumping, no spitting, no water toys...rules, rules...RULES. There are also tons of rules for outside the pool as well. No fire pits, no running at the playground, no clotheslines, no riding bikes on the tennis court....RULES!!! :) The nice thing is the kids only got talked to once and that was because they were playing by the fountain and "It's not a toy!" But really overall it was great and on the plus side of those hooligans! No people staying up until 1am sitting around drinking and being that was great!  

This was the first time the Kuch Klan had seen the inside our of trailer and the first we had seen theirs as well. 

The kids enjoyed playing games in the trailer, swimming in the pool and playing at the park. 

The next day was the day we'd all been waiting for. The Wings & Waves Water park! And yes that is  a real Boeing 747 on the roof and the water slides come out from the fuselage. 

We got there just a few minutes before they opened so we didn't have to wait too long. It was chilly outside so I was thankful for that. Earlier in the summer I wanted to show my friend Rachael the pictures of the water park and I just happened to see a Groupon while I was online. We ended up saving $41 on our tickets by buying them that way. 

This is a picture from right in the middle of the building. Those stairs all 108 of them lead you up to the plane where you get on the water slides. On the other side of the space shuttle is a play area with little slides, a climbing area and one of those buckets that dump water on you. It looked so much fun, but the water was FREEZING over there. Everywhere else the water was perfect though! 

This the other side of the building. The wave pool was lots of fun, but one thing I didn't like was they let people bring tubes in the wave pool. I honestly think that's not okay since it really obstructs your view. This was the only area I didn't feel comfortable letting Zeke go by himself. 

Suits on and ready to go! 

These girls were great....they just ran around and had the best time together. 

Ga-Ga & Pa did not swim, but the nice thing is they have a dry pass you can purchase which was much cheaper. It was nice having them in a central location so the kids would check in with them and then run off to play some more. And by kids I'm including myself in that group. I turn into a giant child when I'm at a water park. 

Here is the view from the second floor where the restaurant is. The food was great and of course not cheap. 

Waiting to get their grub on! 

Bill and Caleb! 

Christina, Anna & Addison! 

Bill and Christina did swim as well. It was funny because I was just running around having and great time and Christina saw me and said, "You are totally not here for your are here for YOU!" That was so true. I'm happy they were having fun, but I was also have just as much fun as they were. 

Ga-Ga with her boy! 

I believe Michael played in the water from 10ish - 1pm, but I was going strong the whole time until it was time to head out at 5pm. I did pay for it later that night because I was EXHAUSTED!!! 

Here's some pros and cons.... 

Water park temperature isn't so hot that you feel completely drained just by being in the building. 
Price was reasonable. 
Slides were super fun! 
There was a Vortex which is a whirlpool and I'd never seen that at a water park before. 
Food was good. 
Life jackets provided.
Lifeguards were attentive. 

Tubes allowed in the wave pool. 
Music is playing all the time + lots of noise in general = headache. 
Have to bring your own towels. 
108 steps up to the slides. 
Smaller kid area was FREEZING. 

Overall we had so much fun and if we ever get the chance to again we most certainly will! 

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