Friday, November 30, 2018

Family Picture Day!

Last year my friend Starr that always takes our family pictures decided to put photography on the back burner. I wasn't sure if we were even going to get family pictures taken at all. But then one day I got a message from her saying that she was trying to earn some money for vacation so she was scheduling a day of shoots in September. 

At first I wanted to have pictures taken at Lake Retreat...we are having our Women's Retreat out there next March and my co-leader and I had just visited and it was gorgeous. Of course that's not something they let people do. She said that since we were going to be staying there she would have said yes, but they were having a Men's Retreat that same weekend so there would be people everywhere. Starr was planning on meeting another family at Lake Wilderness so we just decided to meet there as well.

I will share her professional pictures in a different post. 

I love this picture of Ella and her Daddy. 

Of course when we were trying to take pictures all the kids wanted to do was play.

It was really a beautiful day...just a little cool. 

After pictures we let the kids climb, jump and play. 

Then Daddy started a pinecone fight. 

Armed and ready!

Handsome man!

The sass is...

strong with...

 this one!

Cute girl!


Not sure why I'm getting the stink eye!! 

More pinecone battles! 

Boys being boys! 

For pictures I bought Ella shoes just like mine and a jean jacket at Target. It's from Cat & Jack and it has sweatshirt sleeve and a hood with cat ears. It's so cute. I had to make her wear the one and only pair of jeans she has instead of leggings and she looks so adorable in them, but she just hates it. Girlfriend doesn't know what's good for her!!! 

My new favorite picture of us! 

Little guy...big tree! 

Time to go! 

On the way home we ended up stopping at Wendy's for the kids to have frosties and I had a full meal since I didn't have anything to eat for lunch. It was a rare occasion for us to actually eat at a fast food place. If we eat fast food we will get it in the drive thru and then eat it at home. It just drives me crazy how so many people use foul language all the time. Just normal casual conversation! When did it become okay to speak like that in front of children?? Ugh...

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