Wednesday, November 7, 2018

First Day Of School 2018 AKA...Picture Overload!

And now that it's almost Thanksgiving I figured I should probably blog about the 1st day of school. 

Ready for picture overload?!?! 

Ella was the first one all ready to go! 

I could not find my bright chalk markers...I was so bummed. So I instead of each of the kids having their name and grade written in a bright color they all had to be blue and white.

Getting bigger! 

Full of sass! 

Headed to 2nd grade! 

Such a cute girly!!! 

Zeke Man ready for another year of school! 

His shirt is so big you can't even tell he has shorts on! 

This big! 

And this weird! 

Such a handsome dude! 

There were so many cute pictures of him I could choose so I just included them all! 

He really is a goofy boy! 

Now he's rocking out like the cat on his shirt! 

Owen all ready for middle school. Thankfully the kids school is actually a K-8 so he's still at the same school with all the other kids. 

Since I couldn't find my bright chalk markers I decided to make another frame using the more neutral colors. It looked older so I think that's why Owen and Jack liked it. 

This shirt used to be HUGE on him! 

He was getting a little irritated with all the pictures and poses. 

6th grade here he comes! 

Such a handsome dude! 

He's had the same backpack for 2 years now...thankfully now that he's older he's taking better care of them. 

My Jackson Daniel! 

His 'Class of' shirt is actually my favorite design. I love how the letter are just cut outs of the ones I made for Owen's shirt. Of course the last number is different though. 

So strong!!!!

So big!!! 

I love his natural smile! 

Of course he had to do creepy zombie face! 

5th grade....ready or not!

Last year Jack was nominated by Ms. East to be part of the patrol team. That means he gets to be a crossing guard. I was so proud of him and he was so excited!!! He takes this special role very seriously. 

Using his new backpack that Uncle Ry & Aunt Stephie bought him for his birthday. He loves it!!! 


These boys might be super competitive and drive each other crazy, but then there are moments when I hear...."Love you O" or "Love you Jack"...those words are music to my ears! 

This picture cracks me up. Zeke is doing his forced smile and Ella is doing her posed forced smile. So much force! 

I think that Ella is at the best age right now in regard to having all brothers. She is still at that point where she plays dart gun battles and she'll play Beyblades and Pokemon cards. It's great! 

Oldest and youngest! 


These cute blessings! 

Best picture ever!!!!

We are SO going to have to recreate this one when they're older! 

This picture deserves some explanation! 6th grade at the kids school is a choice. If the kids want to move onto the middle school they can, but if they want to stay they have to choice in. 5th grade was rough for Owen....super rough. There were a bunch of issues that piled together to make for a really depressing year for him. Owen was really looking forward to the possibility that some of the kids that were in his 5th grade class might not choice in and stay. We were super hopeful about one student in particular, but on the first day of school there he was standing in line. It took everything in me not to burst into tears right there. I saw him before Owen did so I was able to prepare him. I apologized because I had gotten his hopes up that he might not be there. After I apologized I told him that he was going to have a great year and we were just going to have to keep praying that everything would turn out okay. 

Praise the Lord....Owen has had an awesome year so far! The kid we were worried about has been just fine. Chalk it up to maturing or the fact that some of the kids from Owen's 5th grade class moved on to other's been a night and day difference. Owen truly loves middle school. He loves that he moves to different teachers, he loves his home room teacher Ms. Sevier (pronounced Severe....which she's not she's totally cool), he loves the kids in his class...he's just genuinely happier this year! 

Jackson is in one of the portables this year. He lines up on the north side of the back of the school...while Owen lines up on the north side of the front of the school. Jackson is with Mrs. Tonseth this year. The funny thing is Mrs. Tonseth is the sister to the lady that took over my position at the church...small world right! 

Ella Grace is all the way on the south side of the school in the back. Ella is with a brand new teacher this year...Ms. Castle. On the very first day home she told me that her teacher was nice, sweet and kind. So precious! 

Zeke man is on the south side of the school in the front. I have kids at all four corners of the school. The first day of school was crazy!!! 

I ended up getting the older 3 in their lines, saying goodbye and then I came and waited for Zeke's class to open up. 

Zeke got Ms. Richardson this year. I was so happy! She had Jack when he was in kindergarten. She's a great teacher and I think Zeke is going to do so well in her class. 

Jumping off the bus that afternoon! 

Ella had a great day! 

Even though he doesn't look happy he did have a good day. I think he still felt leery at this point though! 

My handsome Jack....a few days after this he got his braces removed. I was hoping that he could get them off prior to the first day of school, but he didn't seem to mind at all. 

Another successful start! So proud of these kids! 

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