Friday, November 9, 2018

New Smile!

Jack got his brace put on back on June 8th 2017. After 15 months he got them removed on September 13th 2018. 

The picture on the left is right after he got his braces on and the picture on the right is right before we went in to the office to get them removed. 

Let's do this dude!!! 

 Before braces.                                               After braces. 

Oh my goodness...Jackson looks completely different! Not only are his teeth straighter, but the whole shape of his face has changed. I've been so pleased with his orthodontist....Dr. Pristera rocks! Next up is getting his retainer. He has the one on the bottom already, but they had to make the top one. Jack chose Stardust Red as the color. He's a little bummed that he has to wear it every night, but I'm sure it won't be that bad. At least he doesn't have to wear it at school so we don't have to worry about him losing it. 

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