Monday, December 3, 2018

Riverview Community Fall Festival 2018!

Our church puts on a Fall Festival every year. Last year the weather was amazing. This year.....POURING RAIN for the first 45 minutes. That didn't really stop the kids from coming though.  

I was volunteering at registration so Michael ran the game out of our van. I scored when I was shopping at Target one day. I found this awesome tailgate target game with this target that you can attached to the back of you car and then you throw these two velcro balls at it and they stick....well some of the time they do. If they hit the target with the velcro portion. Michael said it was a big hit and the kids kept coming back time and time again. The best part was it was on clearance for $7!!! 

Meranda had an adorable donut themed car! 

Don dressed his truck up as Cookie Monster and then he got these costumes for him and his daughter Rosie. He also gave out small packs of Oreo cookies since he works for Nabisco. It was so cute! 

Jacob and Elizabeth made their car look like the Hundred Acre Woods. Jacob even made himself ears and a tail like Tigger. Elizabeth was Piglet and Lucy James was the cutest Pooh Bear ever!!! 

Brenda jumped ship for the day and was a Bronco fan with Kim to match her decorations! 

Avery was Cruella Deville and Teresa was a Dalmation puppy! 

The Berg's had a car devoted to Baby Boos. My kids LOVE those things! They are definitely way cuter than the Beanie Babies of my youth. 

Al & Cathie were the best pirates I've seen!!! 

Some of the youth kids worked the snow cone machine. One of the cars was actually giving out hot apple cider and I do mean HOT. So hot I had the genius idea to go over to the snow cone table and I asked for a plain snow cone so I could cool down the cider so the kids could drink it. 

Look at this cute little Prince Charming!!! 

Pastor Andy had a Fiesta car...unfortunately somehow during the coarse of the day it turned into a Fista Car. 

The Keller's manned the popcorn table! 

The Young's had a TMNT car! 

Of course there were lots of volunteers helping out behind the scenes. Like Nathan and John...they were delivering candy to all the cars. 

Here are the cute Dial kids!!! I remember the first time they came with us to the Fall Festival....Lily was just a baby bumble bee and now she's a 2nd grade Batgirl!!! 

Of course I said..."Say Happy Halloween" so their mouths look funny. Owen wore his Halo costume again, Jack was Captain America...even though he didn't want to be, Ella was Elena of Avalor and Zeke was a Fireman. 

Face painting is fun! 

Owen was a kitty the time I got home he had already washed it off. 

Zeke wanted to head back to Mr. Cookie Man's car to get more cookies. I figured that he needed to get a picture with Elmo.

It was tons of fun and I'm so happy I wasn't the one running the car this year. :) 

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