Sunday, February 3, 2019

Goals for 2019

Goals for 2019

Savings Goals: 

Replenish 3-6 months savings 
Save $100 a month towards the Kids' Cars
Save $200 a month towards camping/vacations
Sell the Ford Fusion 
Save up enough money to buy a truck

Home Goals: 

Buy garage doors & install
Rebuild & stain deck
Rebuild fence in some areas & paint
Stain kids playset
Paint Zeke's room
Patch and touch up Ella's room & paint clubhouse

Family Goals: 

Play more games together
Go camping at least 4x
Take older boys fishing
Invite neighbors over for a BBQ
Invite people from church over
Go to Wild Waves @ least 6x (I bought season passes) 

Lyndsay's Goals: 

Organize & purge house
Read the Bible 15 minutes a day
Curl hair more often
Take kids on individual dates
Go on dates with Michael more often
Plant garden & tend to it
Create a weekly, monthly and quarterly cleaning schedule
Sew new curtains for the trailer

Michael's Goals: 

Golf at least once a month during the summer
Have 2 BBQ's with co-workers
Take Jack to a baseball game

Kids Goals: 

Get more sleep
Spend more time with Jordan

Get more exercise (Track & Club Victory) 
Stop annoying Owen
Spend more time with Hansi

Keep my room cleaner
Bruch hair more often
See Papa more often
Read more
Go to Kendra & Lily's more often

Use a big boy voice all the time
Listen the first time

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