Thursday, February 21, 2019

Snowed In Day Two!

On Sunday, February 10th, church was canceled because of the snow. We invited the Dial family to come over for some more fun. We were planning on tubing again and we were hoping the course might have gotten icy making it faster. Unfortunately the guy that lives at the end of the street had parked his trailer on the hill and we didn't want to risk the kids running into it and hurting themselves. It was a total bummer! 

So we all came back to our house for some fun! 

We started to build another snow wall with the toys bins we have. 

Michael started a fire in our fire pit and Lance ran home and got supplies to make smores. 

Since the kids didn't have the tubing hill they used the small hill in our backyard and slid down on their bums or legs. 

Pretend sleeper! 

Cute friends! 

When we were done outside we came in to hang out. I wanted to play Five Crowns, but I think it's in the trailer or we left it at Thanksgiving so we played the Mexican Train instead. Rachael also made us each some Hot Butter Rum drinks and they were yummy! 

Enjoying this break from the norm with my man!! 

Owen played a couple rounds of the game and then he was done! 

We had loads of popcorn and played many rounds of Dominos, but it was ultimately a dirty diaper than ended our fun. Cute Jayme Boy!!! 

It was such a great couple of days enjoying the snow with friends!!!

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