Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Soup Bowl Holders!

I usually plan way ahead for Christmas and last year was no exception, but I didn't remember that I had been wanting to sew something for each family member until a little later in the game than normal. Thankfully these were super easy to make. 

First thing I needed was to find a good tutorial. I found one on Pinterest of course! This is the one I used. And just like with any sewing project that I've ever done it always makes absolutely no sense to me until I actually have the fabric in hand and in front of me. 

I went to Joann's and bought 1 yd of Warm & Natural and then I bought 6 different fabrics. 2 for each design and I was making 3 different designs. 

Then I spent quite a bit of time cutting out 10" X 10" squares of the fabric and the W&N. 

Then it was time to pair a piece of W&N with a piece of fabric and sew from corner to corner diagonally both ways so you make a big X on the fabric. 

Ella was my fantastic pin helper during my sewing adventure! 

Here you can see the blue thread in an X on the fabric. Oh and have to use cotton thread otherwise these won't be okay to go in the microwave. 

The next part was a to fold the fabric right facing in half and then measure on the fold 1" on the short side and 2" down on the fold. Then you draw and line connecting those measurements and sew on the line. 

Once you sew it up you cut off the excess fabric. 

Then you fold it in half the other way and do the same measurements, sew on the line and cut the excess fabric. 

After that your fabric should take the shape of a bowl! 

You have to make two of these for each bowl holder. This fabric was so cute with little woodland creatures and trailers! I made these for the Kuch family since they are fellow Tent Trailer people! 

After this it's just like any other sewing project where you pin them right sides together and sew around the edge. Of course leave room to turn it right side out. 

I left about 2.5". 

Turn it right side out! 

I use a crochet hook to push out the corners nice and crisp. 

Then you sew all the way around the edge to finish it off. 

I love how these turned out and they are reversible as well! These have come in handy so much this winter since I've been eating a bunch of soup. I love popping a bowl in them and then heating it up in the microwave. That feeling of not scorching your hands is a good feeling!!! 

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