Friday, April 19, 2019

Date Day With Jackson!

This year we've been trying to be more intentional with taking the kids on individual dates on top of spending time together doing fun things as a family. Earlier this year I had a date day with Owen when I took him to his birthday pictures. After the pictures he wanted to go eat lunch at MCD's so that's what we did just he and I. Michael took Ella out to MCD's one day prior to taking her to gymnastics class. It's just such an easy way for the kids to feel special. 

In the past if one of the kids happen to get to do something fun with one of us the other kids would be super jealous instead of excited and happy. Since we're being more intentional about it the kids are genuinely excited for each other and excited to see what fun they get to have with either Daddy or I. 

Because of life it had been months since we'd taken Owen and Ella out. Jackson had been the most excited about getting a date with Mama, but he had to wait and wait and he was so patient. I had asked him at one point what he wanted to do on our date day and I thought he say MCD's, but he surprised me and said he wanted to go mini golfing. One day when I was online I just happened to notice that there was a Groupon for Bullwinkle's Family Fun Center and they have mini golf there. I ended up buying a Groupon for each of us. So everyone in our family has a game card with 150 points on it. When we left for our date on a Saturday morning I didn't tell him where we were going so it would be a surprise. 

He was totally surprised! When we drove up and he saw the building he immediately said..."We're going mini golfing". The last time we mini golfed together was here years ago and it was so fun! 

The weather was beautiful a little brisk, but in the sun it was perfect! It also wasn't super busy...I knew I wanted us to get there as close to opening as we could so we got there at 10:30am. I figured that most birthday parties wouldn't start until closer to noon. 

There are two courses at Bullwinkle's...I would say I like the first course the best! 

I kept score for us! 

Jackson got 3 hole in 1's!!! 

We decided to not do the final hole on the first course so we wouldn't lose our ball and then we moved onto the second course. It seems like everyone does that. By that time there was definitely more people so we had to skip around to different holes so we didn't have to wait forever. In the end we were there for a 1.5 hours and we only spent 38 points from our game cards. We still have so many points on our cards for future date days! 

After mini golf we had to run to Lowe's to get Michael some Moss Out and then we headed out to lunch at Wendy's to finish off our date. We've just recently figured out our kids really like Wendy's...Praise the Lord for something other than MCD's. 

It was so much fun just being with Jack. He's normally my kid that I have to drag words out of his mouth, but we had a great time and conversation was smooth and natural. I love this guy and I hope he always enjoys going mini golfing with his Mama! 

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