Wednesday, May 8, 2019

20 Years!

How is it possible that Michael and I have been married 20 years?!?! It just doesn't seem like 2 decades could have gone by yet! 

The other night I was sitting in bed trying to go to sleep and instead of counting sheep I decided to make a list in my head of all the things Michael and I have done together in these 20 years of marriage. 

Places we've gone to...

- Oahu, HI for our honeymoon

- Manresa Castle for our 1st wedding anniversary

- Alaska on a cruise for our 5th wedding anniversary 

- San Francisco for our 10th wedding anniversary

- Robin Hood Village Resort for our 15th wedding anniversary

- Disneyland at least 9 times

- DisneyWorld once right before conceiving Owen

- Wyoming to visit family & Yellowstone twice

- Oregon to see family lots of times

- Seabrook twice

- Ocean Shores twice

- B&B in Friday Harbor

- B&B in Leavenworth

- B&B in Sequim 

- Yosemite National Park

- The Redwoods

- Crater Lake

- Camping SO many times

- Great Wolf Lodge three times

- Wings & Waves Water Park

- WASWD Conference twice 


Michael and I have....

- Bought and sold a condo 

- Bought our current house

- Went through 6 years of infertility

- Had 2 miscarriages 

- Brought 4 amazing kiddos into the world

- Went through 15 months of unemployment

- Been blessed so many times

- Done loads and loads of work on our house

- Went to two churches

- Bought and sold at least 6 vehicles

- Moved a total of 4 times

- Went from two incomes to one income...twice


Adventures we've had together...

Parasailed in Hawaii

Snowboarded in the Cascades

Inter-tubed on Lake Washington 

Inter tubed at Camp Ghormley & Black Diamond Camps

Climbed Little Mt. Si

Hiked up to the top of Multnomah Falls

Went on ATV's at the Oregon Dunes

Kayaked in Hood Canal

Floated down the Snoqualmie River


When I look at Owen and I see this 12 year old young man it just blows my mind that he's only 6 years away from being the age his Daddy was when we got married. Crazy right!?!?! I can't even imagine him getting married in 6 years and yet that's exactly what Michael and I did. I can't even explain how Michael and I, at such a young age just knew this was right for us. We did though...I knew that I didn't want to wait to grow up anymore without him by my side. I knew I didn't want to be with anyone else....he was it for me! 

Michael and I have overcome so many obstacles that a lot of marriage wouldn't have been able to stand up to. Infertility - Miscarriages - Unemployment....just one of those could crush a marriage and yet we stood firm. Michael and I never struggle, suffer or go through anything alone. In fact we are never alone in our marriage. God is with us and He always has been and I believe that is the number one reason we are here today celebrating 20 years of marriage.  I have said many times that Michael is my rock and my anchor and he is, but God is as well....He is our Rock! He is our Anchor! 

My sweet we celebrate our 20 years together as husband and wife I look at you with such pride. You are such an amazing man, father, son and friend. You are blessed with wisdom and your work ethic is such a great example for those around you. You might be stressed a bit more than you used to be and that might have triggered a few more gray hairs, but I love you and those gray hairs! You are the man of my dreams and you just keep making them come true year after year. 

Here's to 50 more babe! ;) 

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