Friday, May 17, 2019

Easter 2019

On Easter morning we went to the early service. After church we left for Michael's brother Steve's house. He was having Meat Fest at his house and we wanted to attended. At first when we said yes to going we didn't realize it was Easter. Michael doesn't get to see his brothers very often and since Steve made the effort to plan and invite us we really wanted to show up. I didn't end up taking one picture when we were there. The kids had a great time playing with their cousin James and the food and company were really nice as well. 

We also made a commitment to being at my parents house so we only stayed at Steve's house for about 3 hours. We ended up getting stuck in traffic so we were a little later getting to my parents than I wanted to be, but what can you do! 

Addison and Anna were so excited to see Ella they were waiting out in the driveway for us to pull up. This is the only picture I got with any of the kids in their cute clothes. By the time I got inside the boys had already taken off their ties and I didn't want to deal with it since I just wanted to visit with everyone. 

After a wonderful dinner the kids played great together the adults talked and talked. After a while we figured we should probably hide the eggs. 

Christina and I are the ones that hide the eggs. Each egg has a number on it and the numbers go in birth order by age. So all the number 1's belong to Owen, number 2 to Jack, number 3 to Caleb and so on and so forth!

Since the kids are getting older it's nice that we've had to find harder areas to hide the eggs. 

Each kids had either 7 or 8 eggs...I can't remember, but they had the same amount. 

If they found someone else number there weren't supposed to help that kid find it, but if we didn't notice they were struggling we'd give hints. 

I love that it takes longer because of the number always seems like egg hunts are over too fast!

Most of the eggs had candy in them!

But each of the kids got one egg that had a one dollar bill in it. 

Rolling in the dough! 

After the hunt we brought out their Easter Baskets. Ga-Ga filled them with more candy and then she made a bow out of a 5 dollar bill and twisty tied it to the top of the handle. It was pretty clever! 

Spoiled for sure!!! 

Next year Ga-Ga & Pa will be on vacation during Easter so I think we are going to have the festivities at our house! I don't think I'll be making bows out of 5 dollar bills though! :) 

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