Thursday, May 30, 2019

Maui - Day 8 - Relaxing!

For our last full day in Maui I wanted to lay in the sun!!! 

First we ate breakfast in the condo and then we headed out to spend time next to the water. 

I brought two books with us the trip....Every Breathe by Nicholas Sparks and then this book. Both of them were great reads and nothing too heavy! I'm on vacation thank you very much!! 

One thing Michael and I have realized is we don't really like laying out in the sand. I love the water and the wind, but I just don't need the sand. That made Papakea even better for us. They had the nice grass there right next to the beach so it was the best of both worlds. 

This was actually the first time we had been at the condo during the morning hours so we finally got to see the tide go out far enough to see the beach in front of the resort! 

It still doesn't go out far enough to be able to hang out down there, but it was still fun to see it! 

After laying out for a couple hours we went up and got ready for lunch. I had made reservations for Merriman's for a late lunch so we could see the view during the day. When we showed up at the restaurant we were quite surprised to find that it wasn't open until 3pm even thought our reservation was at 1:30pm. That's when I checked our reservation a little closer and noticed that I made reservations for the Honolulu location! Oops! 

No worries we just went down to the street to another restaurant that we wanted to try out. The Sea House...right at our favorite spot! 

You guessed it...Napili Bay! Even though we didn't have reservations we got this amazing table with this amazing view. I'm sure it helped that we weren't there during the typical lunch or dinner hours. 

Having so much fun with this man of mine!!! 

Our food here was so good too! Really there wasn't any food that was gross it was all good. Those fun things on top of my salad are watermelon radishes. I normally hate radishes, but these were yummy! 

I could stare at this view all day! 

Back at the condo I wanted to lay out more. I wanted to come back to the mainland actually looking like I had been in Maui. I did go to a tanning salon before we left so I had a little bit of a base tan. I did end up coming back tan...for me! There were some people that were laying out at the condo that looked like they lay out every single day...they were nice and crisp! Thankfully I never did get any sort of sunburn! YAHOO!!! 

Our last Maui sunset! 

Basking in the sun!!! 

Prior to coming to Maui I joined a FB group called Maui Bound. I had seen SO many people comment on how they had returned from Maui and they were changed. They were going to do anything they could to get back there as quickly as they could. When I would read those I would think....yeah yeah I'm sure it's amazing, but get real people. Then I came to Maui! 

The moon peaking out!! 

Honestly it's hard to put into words the way coming to Maui refreshed my soul. It was good for me as a person, but it was also so good for Michael and I as a couple. We've been so busy with work, kids, the house, school and everything else. It was so nice to focus on each other, truly relax and have no responsibilities. Plus it was nice to see that we still enjoy being together with the other person for days on end. It was definitely a very needed vacation!!!

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