Saturday, June 15, 2019

Zeke & Jack's 7-Eleven Birthday Party!

Even though I haven't been working I feel like this years birthday parties haven't been quite up to the standards of birthday parties in the past. Owen's was a little more simple because I had just had surgery so that was fine. Ella's was beautiful and a bit more work, but also simple. I knew that May was going to be CRAZY with Michael and I being gone in Maui for so long and then having to try to get back in the swing of things once we got home. So I made the decision to combine Zeke and Jack's birthday parties. We have only done this one other time when Zeke was 3 and Jack was was there LEGO Party and it was SO much fun!!! 

Once I decided to combined their birthdays I had to come up with a theme. I have a birthday party book that I use to write down all the party info such as type of party, guests, food, decorations, games and so on. I also title the entry with the child's name and age. That's when I wrote down...Zeke's 7th birthday & Jack's 11th birthday. Hello....I knew right away that 7-Eleven had to be the theme. I wasn't sure how I was going to do that, but I knew I would figure it out. 

I honestly didn't do a thing planning wise until after we got back from Maui. It all came together in just a short amount of time thanks to Amazon, The Dollar Tree and Party City. 

I made their invitations by copying an image online....

Oh thank heaven….

Zeke &Jack

are turning

Image result for 7 eleven graphics

Please join us as we celebrate this special occasion. 

June 1st@ 4pm 

One funny thing was the night before the party I mentioned something about the party being the next day and Michael looked at me like I had grown two heads. He figured out what I was talking about pretty quickly, but he started laughing and saying that he actually thought the party was going to be on 7/11 even though he knows that doesn't make sense since Zeke's birthday is in May and Jack's in June....he was really going all out with that theme! :) 

I have seen these awesome number balloons around at different events and I thought what a fun way to incorporate the theme. I ended up buying them off Amazon and then I took them to Party City to get them filled up. 

The 7-Eleven banner was something I just printed out at the library and put it together using brads. 

The main theme revolving around 7-Eleven was going to be food. That's why you go to 7-Eleven anyways. On Amazon I bought these paper hot dog holders. I used those to hold the hot dogs and the tortilla chips. Aunt Stephie and Uncle Ry brought individual sized bags of chips.  And I purchased a giant container of only cherry taffy taffy...Jack's favorite and those Sour Punch Sticks on Amazon. 

Outside we had the condiments and the Nacho cheese was in the crockpot. 

Thankfully it was a nice day so the kids could go outside and eat. 

Ga-Ga bought these mini cans of soda. They were seriously the cutest thing! I knew that the kids were going to be eating a bunch of junk food and I knew that we had to have soda, but I did not want them to have a whole can to themselves. 

In regards to games I didn't plan anything for this party at all. I figured the food was theme and mainly the kids just want to play together. When I mentioned this to the boys they were bummed that there wasn't going to be any structured games. That's when I thought about it and said..."Well you can just play Nerf Guns because that's what happens at 7-Eleven...they get stuck up!" :) They did not end up playing any games at the party! 

The partygoers!!! 

Papa & Ruth were there to celebrate the boys! 

Cute girls having a blast! 

Michael manned the grill.

Love these guys! 

Micah, Kim and their kids had just recently gotten back from a really long cruise. They were still feeling the affects of jet lag. It was fun hearing all about their trip.

We had been talking about our trip to Maui as well...that's why the girls are giving the Shaka sign. 

Christina, Bill and their kids had also recently gone on a cruise. They had such a fun time. It's crazy that we all had these epic vacations planned at exactly the same time. 

Jack hanging with his friends! 

Hot dogs, chips and soda...what more could you want! 

Kim and I hadn't seen each other in over a month! We definitely need a girls day so we can truly catch up! 

Uncle Ry and Aunt Stephie. Aunt Stephie had gone on a school trip with her sister and niece. They went to Washington DC and New York. It was so fun hearing all about that trip as well! 

Me and my Mama!!! 

Jack had just been at Trevor's birthday party earlier in the day and now Trevor was at Jack's party. I asked Trevor to smile and then he stuck his hot dog in his mouth. He's quite the character! :) 

Zeke's friend Kaiden was able to come to the party an hour early since he had to leave early. We had Zeke open his present before Kaidan left. 

Yay for more LEGO's!!! 

After the kids played and the adults visited some more Uncle Ry asked if we were going to have the kids open their presents. I guess I get too lost in conversation. 

Hansi was quite adamant that the boys open his present first. And he had to record it. 

It was one of those gifts where you open it and it's another package and another package and another package. It ended up being...Beyblades of course! 

Owen, Jack and Ella all chipped in to buy Zeke this set of dinosaur Lego's...they were really knock-offs, but they are awesome and Zeke loves them! 

Jack's friend Trevor got him two Beyblades. 

The Kuch's got Zeke this paper airplane book where you can use straws to make the planes go. They also got Jack a Beyblade, but they ordered it online and it hadn't made it here in time. Probably because so many of them come from Japan shipping takes forever!! :) 

Ga-Ga & Pa got Zeke a card with $7 in it and the Jurassic World Lego set he'd been wanting with a T-Rex!!! 

Uncle Ry and Aunt Stephie got Zeke a War Machine Lego set. 

Uncle Ry and Aunt Stephie got Jackson the Beyblade Stadium he'd had on his Amazon list for quite a while. It's very cool!!! 

Other gifts included...Jack got $11 in his card from Ga-Ga & Pa, Papa & Ruth got Jack and Zeke each a $10 Walmart gift card, The Storer family gave both the boys cards with $20 in them. Jordan got the boys a ladder golf set and reusable water balloons. I think that was it!!! 

Cupcake time! 

I tried a new recipe this time. I wanted to make the amazing cupcakes that Rachael made for Owen's birthday, but honestly they were not my best. I don't know if I used the wrong cake mix or put too much of something in, but they were WAY too rich. It was hard to even finish one. Oh win some you lose some! :) 

After presents the kids just went right back to playing. 

Breaking in that new Bey stadium! 

When it was time for the kids to go...the goodies gifts for the kids were these tumblers that I bought at The Dollar Tree. Each of them had a ring pop, a blow pop and a pack of watermelon gum in it. Yay for the The Dollar Tree. 

You might be thinking how can you have a 7-Eleven party without slurpees??? I really did want to do slurpees, but I could not figure out how to do it. I thought about seeing if we could order a couple pitchers of slurpees, but who knows how much that would have cost and not to mention they would start to melt quickly. I thought about getting each of the kids a gift card to 7-Eleven, but I doubt they give out gift cards for less than $5 and I was not going to spend $5 per kid on goodie gifts. The tumblers seemed like a nice touch.

My sweet birthday boys! 

I'm always forgetting to get a picture of Michael and I will the birthday kiddos so we finally remembered to get one and the look on Zeke's face and the fact that his 7 is backwards is just hilarious to me!!! 

We had so much fun celebrate Zeke and Jack with family and friends!

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