Thursday, December 19, 2019

Decorating For Christmas!

We normally don't decorate for Christmas until after Thanksgiving, but this year we had to switch things up. We ended up decorating on Saturday, November 23rd because we were having friends and family over for dinner the Saturday after Thanksgiving. That was the earliest we'd ever decorated, but I actually really liked it since Thanksgiving weekend is always so crazy busy! 

The day after Christmas in 2018, Ga-Ga & I went shopping for some deals at Wal-Mart. I got this cute 4 ft tree that was perfect for the kids' tree.

They are always wanting to use the cute kids ornaments on the big tree, but Michael likes to have the big tree be a pretty tree. 

This really was the best of both worlds for everyone. 

It was also fun having a tree in the dining room next to the fireplace where the stockings are. Another find at Wal-Mart was my big JOY was perfect for the mantle. 

So proud of their tree! 

A close up of the pretty tree in the living room! 

Of course we had the Bethlehem journey hanging up in the kitchen. I had to make up a schedule again so I could remember who was supposed to do what everyday. For example if Jack moved Mary and Joseph then Ella got to hang the number star on the wooden tree, Zeke got to open the number box and get a candy on the other wooden tree and then Owen got to change the numbers on both the Christmas countdowns we have. Everyday it shifted and even with that schedule I got messed up sometimes! I do change who starts Bethlehem every year so it's not the same kid to bring out baby Jesus. This year Ella got to bring Him out so next year it will be Zeke's turn. 

We just loved our Christmas Village last year and we were super excited to put it up again this year. I didn't want to have little tables in front of the TV cabinet though so Michael attached a piece of pile wood to the top of the cabinet so there was more space to spread the houses out. 

My most favorite addition to our village this year was the ice skating rink. I had wanted to buy one last year, but they were SO expensive. This year I found one on Michael's website and it was on a great sale and I even had another coupon code so I got it for $35. Of course I also bought the skate rental shack! And yes the skaters do move around on a magnetic's so fun! 

We did get some other additions, but these had to be put on the coffee table. I loved this Tree Lot. It played 8 Christmas Carols and lit up! Behind this we also got a B & B and a Toy Shop. Zeke really wanted the train so we had that go around the coffee table. I ended up not liking the village on the coffee table though so next year we aren't going to do this. We will have the train around the Christmas Tree until we start putting presents under the tree. The rest of the houses will be up with the other village homes as Michael is going to expand the pile wood area even more next year! 

I really love decorating our porch now that all the work is finished on the house. We did have quite a bit of wind a few days so all the stuff on the left fell over numerous times! 

Another new piece I picked up this year was for my bathroom wall right next to the sink. I like having a small little plaque there with a saying on it and I loved this one! 

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