Monday, January 6, 2020

New Kitchen Faucet!

I just noticed that I never posted about our new kitchen faucet. Our faucet had been driving me crazy for a long time. I finally decided to buy one because of a funny situation. The previous month I paid our Lowe's credit card bill in full and then after paying it we got reimbursed 10% of the cost from our garage doors. The reason for that was because it was a total fiasco trying to get them delivered on time and I had made numerous calls...I'm talking over 6 calls to the warehouse trying to figure out when our doors would be delivered. Every time I'd get a different answer. I was so annoyed!! I actually ended up going and picking them up at the warehouse so we could get them installed in September otherwise we wouldn't have been able to install them until the middle of October because our schedule was so full! Because of that reimbursement we actually had a credit on our credit card so I decided to use that to buy a new faucet! 

Here was our old faucet...we'd had it for years. 

I had a couple of complaints with it. For one it was so short! The second was the cord underneath the the sink would get stuck in the pipping under there so I could only pull the faucet out so far. Super annoying! 

I did a bunch of research and ended up picking a Kraus faucet. It was packaged so nicely! 

It almost fell like I was opening up a box that had a rifle in it. Custom cut out styrofoam for each piece to fit into so they wouldn't be damaged. So nice! 

I love it!!! 

Look at how high it is! So much more clearance! I love how you pull the faucet head down instead of out like the old one. 

The only thing I wasn't sure about was the handle. I don't really like the design of the new handles, but they are all like that. I tried having it on the right side like it's designed to be, but I was so used to turning the faucet on with my left hand it was hard to get used to. I would go to turn in on and then get my whole arm wet. After about a month I asked Michael to move it so now the handle is right in the middle instead of on the right side. I like it much better now! It's fun how just changing one thing that can make a big difference! 

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