Thursday, February 6, 2020

Review Goals - 2019!

 I love making goals! I'm not a resolution gal, but goals are my jam! The funny thing is once we set our goals for the year I never go back and look at them. I really should post them somewhere so I can make sure we are actually working towards them throughout the year! 

Here's how we did for 2019! 

Goals for 2019

Savings Goals: 

Replenish 3-6 months savings 

This goal did not happen mainly because we were in full on finish the house mode. With having new siding and new windows installed from our insurance claim it just felt like the right time to get everything done. Deck, gutters, stain, garage doors...etc. 

Save $100 a month towards the Kids' Cars

This is such a habit now we don't even need to have this listed as one of our goals's just a given! 

Save $200 a month towards camping/vacations

We ended up only going camping twice last year and then Michael and I went on our big vacation to Maui. There wasn't really a reason to save that much each month and due to the house projects we were putting money towards other things. We are actually doing that this year though. 

Sell the Ford Fusion 

Selling the Fusion took a back seat since we knew we weren't going to be able to save enough to actually a buy a truck. 

Save up enough money to buy a truck

We did save money for a truck, but not enough to actually get one...this goal will be happening this year though! 

Home Goals: 

Buy garage doors & install


Rebuild & stain deck


Rebuild fence in some areas & paint


Stain kids playset


Paint Zeke's room

Yes....we painted Zeke's old room and changed it into the new and improved playroom

Patch and touch up Ella's room & paint clubhouse

No...we didn't do any touch up in Ella's room. 

Family Goals: 

Play more games together

We are always better at this towards the beginning on the year. I think when the weather is yucky out it's just easier to play games, but once it's nice outside we just want to go outside and play. No matter what, the goal is to spend more time together as a family and I really felt like we did that last year. 

Go camping at least 4x

Fail...with the house life was too crazy to fit 4 in. 

Take older boys fishing

This didn't happen either.

Invite neighbors over for a BBQ

With the house in disarray and free time being nonexistent we did not do this. We had one group of friends over from church and that was it. This is a goal for 2020 though. 

Invite people from church over

We had that one group of folks over for a BBQ. 

Go to Wild Waves @ least 6x (I bought season passes) 

I believe we made it to Wild Waves 5 times, but honestly with how busy summer was I really do count that as a win! 

Lyndsay's Goals: 

Organize & purge house

This absolutely happened...I was an organization machine last year...even the basement got a total makeover! 

Read the Bible 15 minutes a day

I started out the year good, but then I didn't stick with it. What I did stick with is listening to the Daily Audio Bible with the kids right before school. We didn't do this everyday, but it was definitely a nice habit. 

Curl hair more often

I won't say I curled my hair more often, but I will say that I did more with my hair and wore it in different ways. 

Take kids on individual dates

We did this a couple times, but without a set schedule it was more random that I wanted it to be. This year we are being more intentional with this. 

Go on dates with Michael more often

Michael and I really did make each other more of a priority last year. With the kids being at Awanas every Wednesday, his 2 work conferences a year and then getting to go away for our anniversary trip to Maui I think we rocked this goal. 

Plant garden & tend to it

We did spruce up the garden and I was really faithful with watering it this year. The only vegetable I grew were tomatoes, but they did so well I was able to can more jars than I thought I would be able to. 

Create a weekly, monthly and quarterly cleaning schedule

I created it, but I didn't keep to it. I'm such a planner when it comes to planning meals and vacations, but I absolutely hate planning when I'm going to clean my house. I like to do this more on a whim when I'm in the mood to clean. Since I was dealing with allergies this summer I did go through each room and do a major deep clean which was great since we'd been neglecting it due to all the house projects. 

Sew new curtains for the trailer

I went out and bought a bunch of new stuff for the trailer....curtains, rugs and flooring. I was planning on doing a whole makeover. Then when I finally got to the point where I would have the time to do it I looked into how much of a big job it would be and I decided...NOPE! I had done so much already...built outdoor furniture, made a wooden flag, burned a deck, built new pillars. I ended up returning everything and the best part was I didn't feel guilty for saying enough! 

Michael's Goals: 

Golf at least once a month during the summer

He didn't golf once a month, but he did go more last year than any other year. I got him a gift card in his stocking so hopefully once the weather gets nicer he'll be able to make time to go more often. 

Have 2 BBQ's with co-workers

He did not get to this because half the summer we were working on the deck so we had no place to have a BBQ at. This is a goal for 2020 though. 

Take Jack to a baseball game

This did happen because Ga-Ga & Pa bought tickets for Jack's birthday present. It was a fun time! 

Kids Goals: 


Get more sleep

I will say that our kids all get a great amount of sleep. They are usually in their rooms by 8-8:30 and then asleep no later than 9pm. They get up every weekday morning at 7am so that's 10 hours of sleep. Owen did start taking Melatonin again which has helped him get to sleep quicker. 

Spend more time with Jordan

Owen was more intentional with spending time with Jordan last year. 


Get more exercise (Track & Club Victory) 

Jack did do track, but I'm not sure if he did Club Victory...I don't know if they have that for the middle schoolers. 

Stop annoying Owen

I don't know if anyone can actually stop annoying Owen, because the things that annoy him are more numerous than the stars! 

Spend more time with Hansi

Jack did great getting to see Hansi more last year. Sleepovers, Awanas Camp, Wild Waves, Youth Group and D&D. 


Keep my room cleaner

Ella's idea of clean and my idea of clean greatly differs so this is a hard one. I have found out that Ella LOVES it when I clean and organize her room. I mean LOVES...Acts of Service is totally her love language. Usually if I clean it she can keep it looking nicer for a couple months. 

Brush hair more often

She did brush her hair almost every morning and she's been really great about brushing it after showering. 

See Papa more often

All the kids got to see Papa and Ruth more often this last year. With them watching the kids for us the 2 times we went to Michael's work conferences and then the younger two got to go over for the day while the older boys were at was great! We also had them over a few times for dinner or lunch which was nice. 

Read more

Ella doesn't necessarily sit down and read to us, but she has gotten more interested in picking up books and seeing what she can read. Getting her weekly tutoring has been the best thing and I know it's just going to continue being beneficial for her. 

Go to Kendra & Lily's more often

 If Ella had her way she'd go over or have friends over every day. She loves her friends! 


Use a big boy voice all the time

This is something that Zeke really struggles with and we have just recently cracked down on him and he's finally making progress! 

Listen the first time
Zeke is easily distracted so this can be hard. I will say he has improved on listening especially if I really get his attention and tell him to focus. 

I'd say with all the craziness with the house, we did a great job getting to as many of our goals as we could. It's always so fun to look back at the last year and see how much we've accomplished. 

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