Monday, March 23, 2020

Birthday Surprise / Value Village Find!

The day after Ella's birthday party was President's Day so we were all home having a lazy day. First thing in the morning I got a text from Jen asking if they could stop by and surprise Ella with a visit before they headed home to Spokane. 

Ella had no idea Logan was coming over. She answered the door Jen said she had this funny confused look on her face. They were only able to visit for a couple hours until they had to drive home, but it was still such a fun surprise! 

The day before Ella's birthday the kids were at Ga-Ga &Pa's and Michael & I had a date day. We stopped at Value Village to look around. I found a few workout clothes for Ella since she said she needed new ones for Gymnastics. She only ended up liking one shirt and one workout coat. You have to return things to Value Village within 7 days and since they have 50% off on holidays it was a good day to go in. Ella ended up getting a few things...her favorite was this fun bright puffy vest. 

I ended up finding these....

Prince Albert Rose Cottage China. 

I about fell over when I saw it. I was sure it was a fake. There was no way this could be at Value Village. I turned it over and was shocked to see it was legit. I was then sure its was going to be all individually price, but again I was floored when I looked at the price tag and it said $20 for all of it!!!!! Are you kidding me! I scooped it up and put it in the cart still not 100% sure I was going to buy it. When we were finished shopping I decided to look online to see how expensive this china is....I found one 8 inch salad plate for $18.95. After that I didn't need to look any further I knew I was buying it. It is almost a full set of 4. It's just missing 2 tea cups & saucers and one of the cups and saucers has a small chip in it, but still $20 for all this was a steal! I would actually like to have a set for 8, but this is a great start. Now I just have to start frequenting antique shops or thrift stores to find the other pieces to the set. It's going to be a fun treasure hunt! 

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