Friday, March 13, 2020

New Glasses!

Back on January 3rd, Michael and all the kids went to have their eye exams. 4 of them ended up needing glasses...some more than others. I'm not sure what the problem was, but it took over a month for 3 of the glasses to come in and then even longer for Owen's since they sent only the frames with no lenses. 

Ella has one eye that needs a little bit of help, but only for reading. 

It's so crazy to me that after over 20 years of marriage now Michael's the one that needs glasses. This is honestly the only time I've seen him in his glasses though. He really only needs them for reading and working on the computer when his eyes get tired. He chose to take his glasses to work and only used them there. 

Jack is in the same boat as Ella...he only has one eye that needs some help. He keeps his glasses in his backpack and uses them sometimes at school to read. 

Side note: I was so excited to find this shirt at Target when I was shopping online for shirts for Owen. He is so into Harry Potter right now and he's all about Gryffindor!

Owen is the kiddo that really needed glasses and funny enough he was the one that didn't want them. He is so stubborn when it comes to change. After a week or so of arguing with him he finally started wearing them more on his own. He does take them off during the day if they are playing a game or wrestling. Just the other day he was playing on the computer and he said...."I'm gonna go get my glasses!" so evidently he's noticing the difference and they are in fact helping. 

Zeke was the only one that didn't need any sort of glasses and he was so sad he started crying. Isn't that how it is...we always want what we can't have. The lady felt so sorry for him she reached into a drawer and gave him a pair of extra frames that didn't have lenses in them. He was a happy camper after that! 

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