Saturday, May 2, 2020

Easter Sunday!

Easter Sunday 2020 will go down as the most interesting Easter ever. 

We had church at's been so awesome that our church has had live streaming from the first Sunday we didn't meet. It's so great to worship together at our own homes. 

Me and my pretty girl. 

It looks like I curled my hair, but that's actually just Ella's hair. We have exactly the same color hair. 

Even thought we weren't going anywhere I still made the kids dress up. I hadn't actually picked anything out until the night before. I knew that Ella would wear the dress I bought her for her birthday, but thankfully the boys had shirts that all sort of coordinated. Of course Owen was not happy to have to wear a dress shirt. 

A couple days before Easter I finally got around to hemming my dress that I bought for Ella's party. I had to wear it with booties for her party and still had to lift it up to walk around. I really wanted to wear it with sandals so I knew I had to hem it. I took off a good 3 inches, but now it's perfect! 

My handsome guys! 

Once I saw this picture I was surprised that I had my hand on my hip. I seriously don't even remember standing like that. Michael says I do it all the time though. 

Daddy and his girl!

Me and my boys!

Since it wasn't a typical Easter I decided to go against the norm with food as well so we had Greek Pitas for dinner. The kids absolutely LOVE Greek food! 

I'm so thankful that God isn't surprised by all the craziness in the world right now. He knew it was coming and He knows when things will go back to normal and what that normal will look like. He knows the number of days we have on earth and I find comfort in that! I'm so grateful that He died for my sins and rose again conquering death so when my physical body dies and I leave this earth I can spend eternity in Heaven with Him. 

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