Friday, June 5, 2020

Jackson is 12 Years Old!

Jackson is now entering the last year as a preteen! Next year we will have 2 teenagers. Heaven helps us!!! 

Here's what Jack's been up to this last year! 

For his 11th birthday we had friends over for a 7-11 Birthday since Zeke was turning 7 and Jack was turning 11. It was great fun! 

Ga-Ga & Pa took Jack and Michael to a Mariner's Game to celebrate Jack's Birthday!  

I always try to find Jack something fun to do outside since his is the only birthday that is almost in the summer. I got him this dunk tank and he wasn't impressed at first. If it's not a Beyblade he's skeptical about whether he'll like it or not! 

We went to MCD's on his actual birthday for dinner and then went to church service where the other 3 kids got baptized. 

On a sunny day shortly after his birthday we broke out the dunk tank and he decided it was actually pretty fun! We were going to take it to youth group for them to have a fun outdoor water game night, but it ended up being rainy and there was thunder and lightning so the event got moved inside where they played normal games instead. 

Jackson is the kid that is the most involved at school. He loves being in clubs or having any sort of responsibility. He's really enjoyed playing guitar at school. He has a guitar on his Christmas list this year.

Our camping trip to Deception Pass last June was so much fun. The Kuch's & Ga-Ga & Pa came with us. Jack and Caleb are the best buds! 

Jack was the only kid that decided to go with me on the hike up to the bridge. He had a great time, but he did not like being on the actual bridge...too windy and too high! 

We have reservations to stay at the exact same campground in the exact same site. We still have no idea if it's going to be open though. Right now they've canceled reservations through June 8th, but we have to wait until next week to find out if our reservation for June 12th - 15th will still be valid or not. No matter what we are going to find someplace to camp. We have to get out and live our lives with these kids. We all need a change of scenery! 

Last day of 5th grade...onto middle school!!! 

Hanging out with Hansi while I was building the outdoor sectional. Hansi is Jack's oldest friend. It's been so awesome to see these guys grow up together. Hansi is actually coming over today to spend the night for Jack's birthday...they haven't seen each other since April when we went to a Bubble Tea place and celebrated Hansi's birthday. 

Enjoying the outdoor furniture...that is until they had issues with not getting a good wifi signal! :) 

Helping Mama with my American Flag! 

Creating his 4th of July shirt! 

Rocking his new shirt and his sparklers! 

Last year was the first year for both of the older boys went to camp. They had a blast! 

On the way home from camp they stopped for a photo op...the boys said it was the longest drive EVER!!! 

Snuggling at the bowling alley the day we found out we had lice! Good times! 

Thrill seekers at Wild Waves! 

Right now Wild Waves is slated to open at the end of the June, but we'll see if that happens or what stipulations they put on it. 

Starting middle school! 

Such a handsome dude! 

Sweet buddies! 

Cool dudes! 

Climbing is one of Jack's favorite things....he's all about climbing and parkour.

Jack loves to play games...old games, new games...doesn't matter! I got Azul after playing it with my friend Jen and her's so fun! A little spendy, but fun! 

Since Jack was on the patrol team I actually had to go pick him up at school and then drive to the bus stop to meet the other kids. It's funny how the timing of it all worked out. I enjoyed that alone time with him though. He's such a sweet boy! 

Ninja Jack! 

His candy haul at Halloween! Jackson is all about competition...he turns everything into one! 

I helped out with making the Thanksgiving lunch at church for our Grands (55+) group the week before Thanksgiving. We always make the yummiest eggnog for's Eggnog, 7Up and Vanilla Ice Cream. SOOOOO good! Jackson and Ella LOVE it! 

Jackson loves to help me in the kitchen with basically anything, but especially dessert. He knows he's going to reap the benefit and get to enjoy some sort of treat once we've finished our task. 

This shirt is just so Jackson. He tries....really he does, but sometimes his efforts crash and burn. He means well though! 

Beyblades....his love language! 

Jackson is very opinionated when it comes to his clothes. He ONLY wears skinny jeans and when he saw this jean jacket he was dying to get it. 

Got his bow and arrow set he wanted! 

And thank goodness he found his last gift that was hiding at Christmas. Thought the poor boy might die if he didn't get more Beyblades! Hahaha! 

Being a sweet big brother! 

Rocking his glasses and his Gryffindor shirt! Jack's favorite color is red as Owen says..."He's addicted to the color red!" Although he was on the Yellow Team at AWANAS camp last summer so Yellow has turned into his second favorite. I think that's also in part because it's the second color in the Gryffindor House. Jackson is a huge Harry Potter fan!

When I had the kids help make their book boxes none of the paper choices had any red so he fixed that. 


Jack was a rockstar during this whole distance learning thing...his teachers even said so! I was honestly the most worried about telling Jack that we were going to continue homeschooling this fall. I was sure he was going to breakdown and start crying. Like I said before he's always been the most involved at school. He had a pretty shocked face and seemed really disappointed, but when I had him name the friends that he actually hangs out with and he realized that most of his friends are from outside of school he perked up. He is going to make sure he has his school friends email addresses so he can keep in contact with them though. 

Drawing Elephant with Mo Willems. 

Note the extremely long hair he is rocking. We never go to the barber since I always cut everyone's hair so this Coronavirus thing didn't effect us like that. Jackson likes his hair longer, but once it starts hanging down and looking like bangs I tell him it's time to cut it. 

Helping Mama make his Mouth-Watering Cinnamon Muffins from his Kids Cook Cookbook! 

Check out the freshly cut much better! Jackson is the only boy that is particular with his hair....notice a trend. I shave the sides almost completely bald and then the top I use the largest attachment so it's 3/4 of a inch long. 

Jackson entered the coloring contest at our church and he won the middle school category. He got one of those little books that you can scratch shapes onto the pages with a wooden stick. 

My sweet reader! 

Jack loves books. I'm so happy that both of the older boys love books. Ella and Zeke do as well...just not as much. During this quarantine time Jack used his own money and bought the first 5 books in the Warrior series. I've already read the first book to all the kids and we're into the second one now. At first I was sure they were going to be weird, but I've really enjoyed them. 

When I was trying to explain to the kids what I had in mind with our sidewalk chalk creations Jack was not getting it. He was being super negative! He finally came around though and understood what we were doing. 

His artwork turned out amazing as well! 

Daddy with these handsome boys! 

He was swinging at the ball, but I thought it was funny because it almost looks like he's dabbing! 

Hanging out in the back of the truck! 

When we were cleaning up the yard the kids found some bare branches....Jack thought they looked like deer antlers that had molted off.

During the yard work over Mother's Day, we found Jack's boomerang in the bushes we were taking out. Of course I threw it and it got stuck in the quiet tree...thankfully Ella was able to find it a few days later. Oops! 

Being a sweet boy to Zeke on his birthday!

Playing one of Jack's favorite games...Rail Baron. Michael bought it using his Christmas money from Ga-Ga & Pa. It's a game we used to play with his parents years ago. It's not made anymore so he had to find it on Ebay. So far we've played two games of it. It's takes at least 3 days to play it since it takes hours and you have to take a break. I got a poster picture frame to put the board in to keep it safe from children and their messes. The first time we played Jack dominated....hence the reason it's one of his favorite games. This last time around he struggled a bit. It was a great learning opportunity for him though and he stuck with it until the end. So proud of the young man he's growing up to be! 

Jackson are such a fun guy. You have a great sense of humor and a sweet gentle heart. That's not saying that you don't drive people crazy sometimes though. You have a smile that melts my heart and your sweet cheeks are so kissable. I now understand Uncle Ry's fascination with mine when I was younger. I just want to kiss your sweet cheeks! 

I'm so excited to start this new adventure with homeschooling you kids. I know that there are going to be ups and downs. I know that we are all going to have good and bad days and I know that we will learn and grow...a LOT. We will learn about our strengths, but also our weaknesses. The best part is we will learn and grow together and I see the value in that for our family. We are going to make memories! 

You are such an adventurous boy and you are quick to jump into something without fully thinking it through. You don't hold's all or nothing. You are such a good friend and would hang out with friends every day if you could. You and Owen have thankfully gotten along a lot better during this time at home. I'm so thankful that you kids have had each other during this. It took a good 3 weeks for the bickering to stop, but after that you guys got used to being together all the time and it's been pretty good since then. Of course you all have your moments, but for the most part you guys are such great kids. 

Jackers I pray that this year will be a huge year of growth for you...not just physically, but also spiritually. I pray that you will continue to learn and grow in your knowledge of the Lord. I pray that you will excel at homeschooling and excel in your relationships with your siblings. I pray that you will take ever opportunity you have to spread joy and kindness to those around you. You are such a sweet gift to your Daddy and I. You surprised us all those years ago and it was THE best surprise! We love you so much buddy! 

Happy Birthday! 

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