Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Track & The Park!

In the beginning of all this Covid stuff I was cautious...we stayed away from anyone for over month. Slowly we started to see Lance and Rachael and their kids more. At first we just dropped off school lunches at each others houses, chatted with each other in the yard or went on a bike ride in the neighborhood. After awhile we were just done. They are practically family to us. Our kids are so close...they go on the same bus together and had seen each other every day prior to this pandemic. It just seemed silly to be apart! My germs are your germs and so on. Not that we had anybody else's germs since we had been staying at home!!! 

We just decided enough and started hanging out again. BBQ's at their house or our house and Rachael and I started working out together again two days a week. It was a small thing that just felt so normal!!! 

I also decided I wanted to start running again and Rachael was up for going with me so we started meeting 3 days a week at the middle school to run. After a couple of times though it because apparent that my knees are not up for running anymore. They are shot so we just switched to walking and it's been great! 

We have all the kids with us...yes 8 kids! It's a crew that's for sure. 

They have so much fun. Sometimes they bring soccer balls or frisbees, some times the girls bring baby dolls and sometimes Jack brings BeyBlades, but they always have fun! They are usually done and ready to leave, but they don't complain much! 

It's been so much fun to get out of the house and be in the fresh air. Honestly being cooped up is not good for your health! 

It's also been great seeing other people out and about enjoying life and living! 

The way the news portrays everything it's just doom and gloom and honestly it's not. When you get outside and you see other people exercising or playing football or teaching their child to ride their bike it's just so refreshing! 

I have loved it! And it's been so nice getting to visit with Rachael so often. I love that girl and I love that our families are so close. Such a fun friendship...I'm so blessed! 

Later on this particular day it was so nice I thought we should head down to the new neighborhood park in our area. It had been closed earlier, but I figured since the park at Uncle Ry & Aunt Stephie's was open this one would be too. There wasn't a sign saying it was closed...there had been one there earlier in the pandemic. There was caution tape on the play set, but it had been pulled down. At first the kids were apprehensive, but I told them they could play and if someone came over and told us it was closed we would leave. 

It was hot! I brought a backpack with snacks and all the kids water bottles. 

It's a nice little park and I'm sure we'll come back again this summer. Not sure if we'll have the whole thing to ourselves by then though! 

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