Monday, September 7, 2020

Jennings Family Reunion 2020!

Michael's Mom's side of the family has had a Family Reunion every year for years and years and years. We've only been going since 2017 though. When the kids were littler it was a lot the reunion used to be in California. Michael's Aunt Vicki & Uncle Bob moved up to Northern Oregon and bought 23 acres so now the Family Reunion is there instead. Last year we were going to have to skip out on the reunion so we could paint our house, but then the reunion ended up getting canceled due to some health issues with a family member. 

We did see quite a few family members at Thanksgiving, but many many more show up for the reunion so we were so excited to see everybody this year. Enter Covid!!! I was so worried that our reunion would be canceled, but thankfully Aunt Vicki was all for it. Hallelujah!! There were of course some family members that chose not to come and that's okay, but there was NO WAY we were missing it. I even told Aunt Vicki that I was sneaking across the border if they closed it!!!

The Jenning's Family Reunion was July 30th - August 2nd 2020! 

These ladies right here are such fun! Left to right...Jennifer, Jamie, Robin & Kymm. 

Robin has been going to beauty school and she blessed with a full European facial while we were there. Oh my...if you've never had one you should! Heaven! 

This was the first time we hauled our tent trailer with the truck and it was a dream! You couldn't even tell we were pulling anything. So much better than pulling it with the van! 

There were I think in total 12 dogs in all at the reunion. At times it got a little heated between the dogs as was to be expected, but look at these cuties posing for the camera!!! Top to bottom...Paige, Charlotte and Darby boy! 

A few days before the reunion I commented on our family Facebook page asking if we were getting the giant slip and slide for the kids. Aunt Vicki hadn't been able to get ahold of the company since they were in Washington and she wasn't sure if they were even open yet. Thankfully they got back to her and they delivered the slip and slide on Friday morning. 

These kids were all about it...even though sometimes the padding moves and exposes the Velcro. A few of the kids got pretty good scratches from that! 

Uncle Bob has always wanted to have a farm so they sell their hay and then last year they got cows. This year they are hoping that two of the heifers will give birth. They also put up a metal barn for the hay to be stored in. Aunt Vicki even has a sign that says Dogwood Farms! 

Michael, Uncle Bob's son loves to come over and feed the cows apples from one of their trees. When the cows see him coming over they come running down the hill because they know he's going to have something yummy for them. 

On our last night the kids wanted to get into the pasture with the cows. Michael had the kids feed the cows apples first and then they got in to get closer. It's so crazy how huge they are!!! 

They lady cows were super close to being in heat while we were there. I'm sure if we'd stayed a few more days the kids would have gotten quite an education on farm life! Hopefully there will be baby calves come spring time!!! 

On Saturday night we always have an auction. Everyone brings things they either made or were going to give away and then people bid on them. There is always a few hot ticket items and we normally raise about $1200 to use towards next year's reunion. I believe we ended up raising $1400 this year and that was without quite a few family members present! The money raised goes towards the food, drinks and the slip and slide. It used to also go towards the rental of a Port O Potty, but Aunt Vicki's Michael now works for a Port O Potty company so I think he gets those for free. This year we ended up with two...a boys and a girls one and the girls one was pink. You can actually see it in background of the picture with Ella and the cow. 

I always plan to spend about $100 during the auction. This year I got a giant dinosaur reusable sticker book, 6 small village type houses the kids could paint and then two paintings that the first picture painted. I rearranged my picture set up in the office when we got home and took this picture so she could see her work of art on display. I love my patriot flowers! The other painting I bought is a white pumpkin full of fall flowers. I'm planning on putting that one in the bathroom when I decorate for fall soon. 

As always the family reunion was loads of fun, went by way to fast and since I was having such a good time I didn't take nearly enough pictures, but maybe that's actually good thing! 

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