Saturday, December 26, 2020

Gingerbread House & Christmas Jammies!

Last year for Christmas Uncle Ry & Aunt Stephie gave the kids one of those Gingerbread kits from Costco. We never actually got around to putting it together last year so we saved it for this year. I knew that it would be shrink wrapped up and would be totally fine to put together...maybe not the best to eat, but it would still be fun.  

On December 23rd I finally brought it out so the kids could decorate it. I love that these things already come put together! 

They each got a side to focus on! 

I had divided all the candy bits up equally, but everyone was sweet and gave Owen most of their holly leaves so he could make this wreath on his side. 

Ella wanted the side with the front door. She wanted to make it look like there was a string of lights on the home. 

Zeke did the back side. He was more excited about decorating the gingerbread man than the house! 

As you can see in the back of this picture once he was finished decorating he went straight to eating! :) Also the poor chimney just would not stay up! 

Jack really wanted to be the one to put all the colored orange slices on the top of the roof. After that he just sort of did some stuff to the rest of the roof and then was finished! 

Owen and Zeke thoroughly enjoyed eating the gingerbread house over the next few days! 

Last year I surprised the kids with Christmas jammies. I hid them under their pillows and called down to them saying I thought they should check under their pillows. They loved it! Ella had asked me about it this year not knowing that I had already bought the new jammies. 

The night of the 23rd I called down to them to check under their pillows and they came running upstairs. Let me just say it is almost impossible to find matching jammies for teenage boys. I think I would have to order them in July to find the right size or maybe they don't make them at all. 

I bought these at Kohl's again like I did last year. All the boys pants still fit them so I decided to just look up long sleeve Christmas shirts. I got the boys all the same shirt with Yoda that said....'Good I have been'! Ella's nightgown from last year still fits her as long as she wears leggings under it. This nightgown I bought in a size 14/16. It's a bit big, but it totally works. Plus I love that they come with a matching nightgown for her doll. 

I wore my jammies from last year and so did Michael except I bought him a Christmas T-shirt that has Darth Vader on it and it says, 'I am your Father...Christmas!' 

After we all got in our Jammies we piled into the truck to drive around and look at lights. Normally when we get to this one neighborhood in Federal Way we like to walk around, but we all agreed that since we were in our jammies and it was so cold outside we'd rather just drive through and look instead. 

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