Thursday, July 1, 2021

Kuch Kids Sleepover!

On June 25th, we finally had a make up day to our planned Kuch Klan sleepover that was supposed to happen in April 2020! Bill & Christian dropped the kids off prior to lunch and then were on their way to Eastern Washington. 

For lunch I made them our favorite thing....smorgeousborg also known as a charcuterii tray, but I like the sound of smorgeousborg better!  

We were still in the middle of the yard remodel when they came so the area around the trampoline didn't have any grass yet. 

The girls had a blast jumping around on the trampoline with the sprinkler spraying them from underneath. 

This just happened to be the weekend of that extreme heatwave that we had. The poor Kuch kids have A/C at home so they really aren't used to all that heat.

These boys were nuts playing up on the 2nd floor when it was SO hot! 

They did come out and jump around on the trampoline as well. I don't think they turned the water on though. 

It was so hot I thought it might be nice for them if we set up the tent in the backyard. When I was working at the church a few years ago Pastor Andy asked me if I wanted a tent. At first I thought no...we just bought a tent trailer, but then it dawned on me that one day the boys would be older and it would be nice if they slept out in the tent and not the trailer so I said yes. This was actually first time we took the tent out of the box. It is HUGE!!! It can be two separate rooms with separate doors into them. It was perfect! We were able to have a boys side and a girls side! I didn't even bother putting on the rainfly since I knew they didn't need the protection and I thought it might be fun for them to see the stars. 

The girls....getting their side all set up! At first the girls wanted to sleep in the tent without the boys, but I didn't feel safe with that. My saying is there's strength in numbers. We've actually never let our kids sleep outside without us and we've only slept outside once in a 4 person tent and it was awful. I didn't even make it all night long...this whole experience was new for us. 

What we ended up doing was taking the two trailer mattresses out of the tent trailer and laid those down for the kids. All 3 of our boys sleep on that like they normally do in the trailer and Caleb brought a cot to sleep on so it worked out perfectly! 

The 3 girls had the other trailer mattress for their side and they still had room. 

Zeke was the only one that ended up coming inside. I think it was around 10:30pm when he came in and said he was scared and wanted to sleep inside. 

On Saturday morning, we headed over to Micah & Kim's for Andrew's birthday party. I had asked Kim if she was okay if I brought a few more kids to the party and she said the more the merrier. Ella and the girls stayed with me at Kim's house, while Micah and a few other people took the boys to a park to play capture the flag. Us girls ended up heading home and then Micah brought the boys back to our place. It was so hot I have no idea how those boys ran around in playing in camo clothes! 

Later on at our house the boys wanted to do an Egg Drop since Caleb had never done one. 

Zeke was up first! 

Then Caleb! 

Then Jackson! 

Zeke's egg survived! 

Caleb's egg survived! 

And Jackson's egg survived! 

On Saturday night all the boys decided they didn't want to sleep in the tent again so they packed up and came in. Since the night before had gone so well I felt comfortable letting the girls sleep outside by themselves. They did great! 

On Sunday, we all went to church. We had to go in two vehicles since we had so many kids. Plus I had a meeting right after church so I had to stay late anyways. Christina had asked what time they should pick up the kids and I told her probably in the afternoon since they'll want time to play after church. She said they could be there between 3- 5 pm. I told her to shoot for closer to 5pm. 

On Saturday Anna had asked me what time her parents were going to come get them. I figured she was ready to see them since this was really the first time being away from them. On Sunday morning, I came down and all her stuff was already packed and ready to go by the door. I thought wow she must really miss her parents. While I was at my meeting, Bill & Christina showed up early. There wasn't really anything they could do since it was SO hot out so they decided to just come get the kids earlier than originally planned. Well that did not fly well at all. The kids were not okay with being jipped out of their play time. To appease the kids and kill some time they went back out and got ice cream and then they came back to pick up the kids. 

It was such a fun time and they are such great kids. Honestly when kids get older it's easier having more of them around. They all keep each other busy! The only thing I really had to do was feed them and Christina even made that easier for us by bringing a bunch of snacks, fruits & veggies and dinner for one of the nights. 

Can't wait to have them over again!  

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