Thursday, July 8, 2021

New Furniture...Finally!

Tuesday, July 6th something happened that we had honestly thought might never actually happen...ever!

 Our loveseats finally arrived! 

At this point in the timeline of our furniture saga we had had our furniture delivery date rescheduled 8 times! Yes...8! 

On the 7th reschedule I finally decided to talk to someone and express my dissatisfaction. Don't get me wrong I get that everything is being delayed due to Covid. Totally understand shortages and low staffing and all that jazz. It was the way they kept stringing us along that I didn't like. I was told over and over how the furniture was going to be at their warehouse by this date and that it would take 3 days for the trucks to be unloaded and then reloaded in the proper order for delivery. Then I would get told oh no you couldn't possibly have been told that, we aren't allowed to assure customers that their furniture will be delivered to the warehouse on such and such a date. I would have been totally fine if from the get go they would have said, listen things are backed up we are going to tentatively put your delivery date out to June. We will contact you if it's available sooner than that, but if not we'll talk in June. Totally fine with me! 

The thing that was frustrating was having to plan our life around the delivery date. They would give us a date and that was it. I couldn't plan anything for that date because they wouldn't give you a window of time until the day before. Usually they called a few days prior to the scheduled delivery date letting us know that they'd need to rescheduled so at was nice, but still irritating that it happened 8 times! 

The lady that I chatted with after the 7th rescheduled date was awesome and completely understood my frustration. They ended up giving us an extra 25% off our order due the inconvenience of it all. She also confirmed that our furniture was going to be delivered on July 1st. But like I said at the beginning it was rescheduled 8 times so that brings us to the July 6th date. 

I ended up getting a text from Ashley saying our furniture was on the way and I could almost not believe it. When the guys showed up I was so excited! Here are the 3 huge boxes in the garage waiting to be moved in. 

Michael had contemplated getting someone to come out and remove the middle pane of our big front window. That was how we moved our old furniture out and the new furniture in years ago. It just so happened that Michael had broken the front window and the glass company was here fixing it at the same time we were moving furniture in. They were so kind to help us put it right through the big opening in the window before they fixed it up. It would have been nice, but that was going to be an added expense that we didn't really need to be spending. 

So the furniture came out the front door like normal. These couches are about 15 years old if not a bit older and they are HEAVY. I was helping Michael get this through the front door and unfortunately my hand ended up getting caught between the door frame and the couch. It immediately bruised and swelled up. It hurt so bad and it continued to hurt after this for about a month! 

Michael was able to get the old loveseat out without any help from me...not that I could have actually helped him since my hand was in so much pain. 


Michael moved the new furniture into the living room in the boxes they came in. It was so much easier that way. 

This was how the loveseats fit in the boxes. The backs weren't snapped into place yet. 

That's one big box! 

Ta Da! 

This is exactly the same loveseat that we had just the newer model. I love the coffee color! We actually ordered these from Ashley's website without ever having seen them in person or sitting in them. We knew we wanted loveseats that did not have a motor in them. I hate motorized couches. There aren't that many options for those anymore so our selection was pretty limited. We really did love our old furniture that my parents gave us, it had just been used and abused. We were pretty sure we'd like the newer models and we were right. They are so firm and supportive when we sat down on them it was actually a bit weird. We had become so used to having no support whatsoever it was strange to have your body not sink way down into the seat. Now that we've had them for almost 2 months it feels totally normally to not sink down. 

Here's the living room with all the new furniture set up. 

You might be wondering why 3 loveseats....why not the traditional sofa, loveseat, recliner situation. It's still the same number of seats right. Yes, but does anyone actually love to sit in the center seat of the sofa? The only seat that doesn't recline. one actually does! That middle seat anyways ends up looking brand new and never breaks down and it's just awkward. This way each person in our family has their own seat and they all recline. 

We do has assigned seats as well. Michael and I get the loveseat that faces the TV. I sit on the left side and he's on the right. The loveseat that is against the wall in this picture is where Owen and Zeke sit. This one is probably the most flexible seating arrangement because half the time Zeke is actually on the floor. 

The loveseat in front of the window is Jack and Ella's. Jack sits on the right and Ella sits on the left. For the most part this seating arrangement has worked out quite well. 

The full grain leather is so nice and smooth. I did buy some cleaning/conditioning cloths and we've already used them once. I wanted to see how dirty the couches had gotten after almost 2 months of use. Surprisingly they weren't dirty at all. The kids are not allowed to eat on the new furniture so I'm sure that's a big reason why they weren't dirty. 

The kids were at Ga-Ga & Pa's when the furniture came so when they got back they got their first look at it all set up. Jackson was not happy at all about the new furniture, but he doesn't do well with change. He did not like how firm the furniture was. I don't think anyone else was as opinionated as he was.

We have been so happy with our purchase and I hope this furniture will last us even longer than the last ones since we don't have crazy toddlers running around in the house anymore. One thing we've been trying to be cognizant about it making sure we aren't sitting right up next to the arm of the loveseat. Kind of like how Owen is in the picture above. We noticed with our old furniture we did that and the seat cushion started to breakdown and then it forced you to sit like that. Instead we've been trying to make sure we are sitting directly in the center of the cushion. 

I would absolutely do business with Ashley again. I love the furniture, ordering it online was super easy and I know that eventually all these delays will get shorter and shorter. 

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