Monday, June 27, 2022

Mini Front Garden Bed Remodel!

During the weekend of June 25th & 26th...I had asked Michael if we could get a few things done around the house mainly in the yard. We needed some weeds pulled and some bushes trimmed. It had been a long time since we'd addressed our front garden bed between our house and our neighbors. So we got to work and it turned into a much bigger job than I thought it would. 

First off this is the best before picture I could find. 

This is prior to us having a flag pole which we put that up in April 2020 so this is probably around 3 years old. But you can see all those bushes have grown together and basically become one bush. Obviously if this picture is 3 years old than it was worse than this. There was a TON of trimming going on and then just straight up ripping out. Owen and I ended up making 2 trips to the dump with yard waste! Which evidentially there is a special place at the dump for the yard waste. Now I know! :) 

Here we were mid-process! A lot of bushes had been removed! 

We had a trunk we were trying to get out. 

Michael tried to hook a rope up to the truck, but it broke and then he couldn't get it to reach the tailgate. So he had to do it the old fashion way. Which surprisingly wasn't that hard after all! 

On Sunday after church we headed to Carpinito Brothers to buy some new plants and get a load of bark! After Michael and I planted the plants the bigger guys helped with moving the bark.

Zeke and Ella took on the task of cleaning up Penelope since she was straight up nasty! She's a beauty now! 

Ta Da!!! New garden area is looking so much better. Not so crowded at all. I do still want to get a Dogwood tree in here there's actually quite a bit of space back there still and it will be nice to have something in there with a bit more height since all these plants are bushes. 

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