Thursday, August 11, 2022

Random Odd & Ends!

Ella and her friend Aidry can spend days together without getting tired of each other. In early July, Aidry spent two nights with us. She really wanted to straighten Ella's hair. 

Ella loved it! Look at how long her hair really is! 

My sweet girl. I love her curls but she's beautiful all the time! 

After the two days at our house Ella spent two nights at Aidry's house. 

During that time Ella's dreams came true and she got to have a Lemonade stand! There were 5 kids total that helped out and after paying for their product they each went home with $20! Not bad! 

One morning Charlie brought a live bird in. I think it's so cute that it landed on my window decoration. You can see Owen's shadow...he's got a towel. He's trying to catch the bird to take it outside. This isn't his first bird catching experience. We are experts by this time as is Charlie in regards to catching them! Don't worry the bird was set free! 

On one particularly clear day I was looking out our sliding glass door and noticed you can see the mountain. I texted this picture to my Dad and his reply was....the value of your house just went up $200K. Probably not far off honestly! :) 

Ella and I had a girls day in August and I found her this cute jean jacket for only $4.99! 

My sweet girl is a reader! There was a time when I never thought that would happen. God is so good! 

At Michael's family reunion auction I won these fun LED lights for the back deck for only $10! I've always wanted lights out here, but I wasn't willing to pay $40 for them! I love how they look! 

All the kids PACE's for the entire year were supposedly delivered to our house. Except only 2 of the numbers on this house are the same as our house number. Praise the Lord for my husband who tracked these down. Thanks UPS...for nothing! 

Our neighbors meter was leaking. Michael could have totally fixed it, but it's not his district. Of course the guy they sent out had no idea what he was doing. It still hasn't been fix almost a week later. At least it's the water company's side and not our neighbors problem. 

Our friends the Oliver's bought me an Elephant Ear plant after we made them Elephant Ears to eat. I wasn't sure if it would come up this year, but it made an appearance! 

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