Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Cabin Christmas - Day 1

The day after Christmas was a lounge around the house day in the morning. 

Owen loved putting his Christmas gift Lego set together. 

This is honestly the coolest Lego set ever. It's so detailed and well thought out. 

We couldn't get into the cabin until 4pm. I had contacted the owner to see if we could pay for early check-in, but that wasn't a possibility since there was a family checking out that morning and the custodian would need all that time to reset the house for us. 

Our first stop of the day was to eat lunch at Red Robin in Federal Way. If you haven't eaten at that Red Robin yet you are missing out. It's the best one in the state. It's new and bright and always fully staffed. The service is a cut above any other restaurant. They are awesome! 

Our second stop was in Roslyn. I wanted to get out and walk around because the town was so cute. We went in this little boutique to look around. Jackson needed to use the restroom so we walked down the hallway to the Distillery and lo and behold we run into Michael who had disappeared. He bought himself a flight of whiskey! 

He approved! 

After he finished his whiskey we walked across the street to an old fashioned candy store and bought some candy. Then it was off to find the cabin! 

My dream was to have a Cabin Christmas in the woods with snow and everything. Think Hallmark Movie! I like to set expectations when we go on trips because it's good to know what everyone else is expecting since most of the time it's not the same thing. The kids wanted to play with their friends and play in the snow. I talked about how we can't control the weather so we just need to make the decision that right now if there is no snow we are still going to have an awesome time. Sure we can be bummed about it, but lets not let it ruin our whole trip. Well....we had SNOW....lots of SNOW!!!! 

The above pictures is us driving down the driveway to the cabin. 

The house coming into view as well as Ga-Ga & Pa's car.

One of the reasons I fell in love with this cabin is because to me it's the quintessential Lincoln Log cabin. It's amazing! 

So excited to finally be here! 

Looking down from the upstairs walkway to the living room. 

The huge living room fireplace. 

Turning around to the nice big kitchen. 

Even though it was getting dark the kids wanted to take advantage of the snow as much as they could. 

For dinner that night I had pre-made 2 different kinds of lasagna so all we had to do when we got to the cabin was put them in the oven. I also had a bag of Caesar salad and the Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuits. 

When I planned this trip I told Christina that I was going to buy all new stuff so we could have a Christmas tree at the cabin. I didn't want to take down my Christmas tree at home I wanted a whole new one. Luckily Wal-Mart had a Christmas in July sale and I got this tree for a screaming deal at only $49!!! 

Christina and I put the tree together and got the branches all fluffed out. I put the ribbon on using a method I had seen someone use online and it turned out pretty nice! 

I wasn't sure if the all the kids would be interested in putting the tree up, but they all joined in.

I got a new tree, 


a star,  

picks & ribbon 

Remote controlled light up candles that clip onto the tree and a new tree skirt. It was so fun shopping for new stuff and making it themed a bit so it would look woodsy for the cabin. Christina thought it was funny that my new slippers matched the tree theme. 

The kids did a great job!

After the tree was finished we put all the presents around it.

Michael brought out his new and improved Pegs & Jokers boards he had made and we taught people how to play. We love this game! 

The girls got into their Christmas jammies! I love that Anna & Ella match! 

We also had enough dessert for 10 families!! 

Ga-Ga loves to play the painting game on her tablet so while we were playing games the girls were watching her paint. 

 The tree looked gorgeous in the dark! 

Cabin Christmas Coming Up!

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