Saturday, December 31, 2022

Cabin Christmas - Day 5

On December 30th....we woke up to tons of new snow!!! 

My favorite thing about the snow is when the trees are covered with it. So pretty! 

That is a giant icicle hanging from the roofline!!! 

All over the vehicles were totally covered in snow! 

So gorgeous!!

Of course a few of the kids had to go out and play in it! 

Everything this day was just leftovers. We needed to eat up as much as we could! 

The girls with a little help from us Moms ended up putting the finishing touches on the Moose Lodge! 

After that it was running around getting suitcases packed, toys picked up, furniture moved back to where it originally was. Some laundry needed to be started, the frig needed to be cleaned out, garbages needed to be emptied, vehicles needed to be loaded and rooms needed to be double and triple checked to make sure we didn't leave anything behind. 

Once we were all finished we still had about an hour until check out time. I really felt God tugging on my heart that He wanted us to pray so I asked everyone if they were okay with that and they were. 

We all sat in that lovely living room where so many memories were made and we prayed together. Heartfelt beautiful prayers that still bring tears to my eyes. It was really a perfect ending to a dream trip! 

After prayer Christina had everyone come hug me for making this dream possible. It was just a dream planted in my heart and every part of it exceeded my expectations. It was all wonderful! I remember telling everyone why I wanted to do this trip now and why I felt so passionately about it. The main reason was these sweet kids. Next year Owen will 16 years old. He'll be driving and he'll most likely have a job. That alone will change everything. These types of trips will be harder to take because of work or maybe even friends will get in the way. Before long these kids will be dating and instead of it being our core family we'll have to share them with other people. I feel like the timing of this trip was perfect for those reason. I wanted it to be our core family! This trip was only made possible because the other 3 families said yes! The cabin was not cheap by any means, but the memories made there were priceless and I would do it all again. 

My motto new is...Spend the money...Go on the trip...Make the memories! 

Pulling away from our home away from home for 5 days was so sad! 
Crest Lodge was amazing!

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