Thursday, May 18, 2023

Grandma Grant's Celebration Of Life Service!

On April 23rd my last living grandparent...Grandma Grant AKA Gram...went to be with Jesus! She was 91 years old and had been living with Alzheimer's for the last 15 years. She died peacefully in her sleep...honestly the best way to go! 

My Aunt Donna, my Dad's sister, asked me if I would be willing to make up some kind of picture board for her service. It was an absolute pleasure to do so! Aunt Donna emailed my Dad a bunch of pictures and he and I also found some too. Dad printed them out and then I went shopping for supplies with the kids. 

It was so much fun looking through all the old pictures of my grandparents. The picture on the top left of my grandma as a little girl sitting on a stool was hanging outside her bedroom in Denver. My Aunt Donna...who had been caring for Grandma for years with the help of her wonderful husband, my Uncle John...said that every day Gram would come out of her room, look at that picture and say..."Look at that pretty girl!"

I decided to do each row as a new era in her life. The first row on the left was from childhood until my Dad was born. You can see him in the bottom picture on the left side. The next row was them as young grandparents through to their square dancing days. You can see them all dressed up in their square dance attire on the bottom left picture of the second row. The third row was their 40th wedding anniversary through to my grandpa's death. The picture on the bottom left of that row is grandpa holding Jack. He would be gone just 4 months to the day of Jack being born. The fourth row goes from Grandma's farewell party when she left to move to Denver onto the end. The last picture I chose to put on the board was her at a party. It wasn't hers, but something someone said just tickled her and she gave the best laugh and Aunt Donna or Uncle John snapped that picture. I just love it!

Just like the stickers was just a glimpse! There are so many memories wrapped up in these pictures and so many more that couldn't be included. Gram didn't always have an easy life, but I do think overall it was a life well lived. A life with ups and downs, laughter and tears, love and loss. Whenever someone passes it just reminds me to cherish the time that you do have with those you love! 

It turned out so nice and my Aunt Donna was so pleased with it so that made me happy. My parents took it down with them so it would be at the service that was held in Denver. 

Aunt Donna & Uncle John came back up with my parents after the service in Denver to bring Grandma home to Washington to be buried at Tahoma National Cemetery with my Grandpa. We had another small service there at Tahoma on Thursday, May 18th. Michael's Dad officiated for the service. 

Dad read a portion of the Eulogy that he wrote. 

He thanked Aunt Donna & Uncle John for their selflessness in taking care of Grandma for so many years. It was not an easy job, but it was one they wanted to take on to make sure that Grandma would be cared for by people who love her. We so appreciated everything they did! 

It was a small service, but still quite a few people showed up. Even some folks from our church that had never met my Grandma, but that wanted to support our family. It was such a blessing to be able to share with them stories about Gram! 

It was a beautiful day celebrating...celebrating that Gram is no longer trapped in her body that she has been made well and is in the presence of Jesus. What a great thing to celebrate! I know that I will see my Gram again one day and I know I'll hear her say..."Hi Lynnie Ann!"

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