Friday, June 16, 2023

Donating Hair!

I have been growing out my hair for a few years now. I didn't intentionally decided to grow it out. I liked having short hair, but then I just didn't make a hair appt and then by the time I thought about making one I felt like my hair was past the awkward phase of being not short and not long so I thought why not just keep letting it grow. 

I had always said that once I started to wear it up all the time that meant it was time to cut it off. I really got irritated with it back in 2021 and was going to cut it off, but then I mentioned it to Richie at church and he told me, "No, that's your crowning glory!". So I decided to keep it long for Richie. :) Richie passed away towards the end of 2021 and I just felt like keeping it long still in honor of him.

Around the beginning of 2023, I started to feel that desire to cut it again. Then we found out that 3 people we know had had a brain tumor, one had thyroid cancer and the other that breast cancer. Cancer sucks BTW!!! PTL they are all on the road to recovery as I type this. God is so good! 

I have always thought it would be fun to donate to Locks of Love and so I started looking into donating my hair. After talking with another friend I decided to donate to Wigs for Kids instead. My main reason in changing organizations was I like how Wigs for Kids doesn't make anyone pay for their wig. That was a huge factor for me. I mentioned it Ella a couple of times and told her I was going to donate my hair and that she could as well if she wanted. At first she said no, but then a while later she changed her mind and decided that she would do it too. 

I called up my old hair stylist and made an appt for Ella and I come in on June 15th. 

My hair had not been this long since I was kid. 

We decided on how much I wanted cut off and what type of hair style I wanted. Then we put my hair in a ponytail just below where she was going to cut. 

After the initial cut. 

After this she washed and then cut my hair into the style I wanted. 

I got 14 inches cut off! 

I got an inverted bob and it was exactly what I wanted! So cute and perfect for summer! 

Next up was Ella Bean. She didn't want quite as much hair cut off. 

The minimum amount you can donate to Wigs for Kids is 12 inches so that's what she cut off. 

Ella's hair is so thick she had to put it in two separate pony tails. 

I love how much curlier Ella's hair gets when it's shorter. I wasn't sure how she was going to feel losing all that hair, but she honestly loves it! 

Sporting our new do's! 

I know that my hair can be my crowning glory, but I also think there is a time to everything and at this time we wanted to help people who have lost there hair and I think there is glory in that as well. A couple days after this I packaged up our hair and mailed it off. I had registered our hair online so when they received it I got an email that thanked us for donating. I hope that our hair can really be useful to someone going through a terrible ordeal and maybe just maybe put a smile on their face.

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