Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Jack & Zeke's Remodeled Room!

After finishing Owen's room remodel in June, the only kids' room that need an overhaul was Jack & Zeke's. 

This is what we started with...a wall of bunkbeds. Since Owen had moved out of their room that bunk under his name sign was empty. 

Even though he could have moved into the upper bunk, Zeke chose to stay in his cave until we started the remodel. 

First things first....get everything moved out! 

All the books, all the toys, all the knickknacks...everything except the bed and their clothes had to come out. There was stuff the garage, the hallway, our master bedroom....all over! 

At one point in time when their clothes were smaller 3 boys in one room, sharing one closet wasn't a big deal. This was after Owen had moved all his clothes. 

Time for the bed to come apart. 

After that first day of work we were left with the two beds in the middle of the room. 

The next step was to patch all the holes in the wall and then repaint. I'm not sure if the boys chose the exact color that was here before. You can see a slight difference in the above photo, but that might be because it was still wet. 

When we first decided to remodel this room we asked the boys what they wanted. A drawing desk, a reading nook and a Lego table. They also wanted room for their books, but there is only so much one room can hold so we added another bookcase in Owen's room and his room is now the library. 

The Lego table was probably the most stressful part of this remodel. Michael and I usually work really well together, but we kind of got in a funk with this one. We were coming at it from different angles and honestly we just needed to sit on it for a while in order for it to come together. At first it wasn't even going to be on this side of the room, but plan changes and it turned out even better than I thought it would. 

Michael mounted the IKEA cabinet on the wall...I was a little freaked out about that, but it is anchored well...Michael held onto the top and let himself hang from it so it's good and strong. The storage under the table is made up of 4 different IKEA storage units. The table itself Michael cut from plywood and then overlaid with laminate flooring. We finished off the edging with that rubber T edging you see in RV's. 

Zeke Man helping his Daddy! 

And because I like lights I had Michael install some under cabinet lighting so the boys would have plenty of light to work on their Lego creations. 

The Lego table was where Zeke's bed cave used to be so we repositioned the bed on this other wall. At first we weren't sure if it would make it feel too crowd right when you walked it....the door to the hallway is to the left of the guitar. It really doesn't at all though. 

The drawers on the right side of the bed aren't used for clothes at all. These are filled with toys....Hot Wheels cars, BeyBlades and remote control cars. 

This desk has always been a apart of the bunkbed, but we've never really used it. For one it was always on the right side of the bed and when Michael built Owen's bed this is where his mattress was. We ended up moving the desk section to be on the left side of the bed and tada...Jack how has his drawing desk. We also bought a wall mount for his guitar because for one it looks cool being on the wall and it also keeps it out of the way and off the floor from getting damaged. 

Here's the view as you come into the room from the hallway. Honestly for as much stuff being in the room it's got a lot of floor space. 

Here's the other side of the room. We moved their dresser into the closet and that has worked nicely. It also a great place for Jack to store his BeyBlade Stadiums on top of. I bought them a saucer chair just like Owen and a little end table just like Ella so they have their little reading nook. Michael was able to customize their laundry basket by cutting it down from a 3 bag basket to a 2 bag which made it fit perfectly next to the chair. All of their clothes fit in that one dresser. We hang up all the shirts so the drawers just hold, underwear, socks, jeans and shorts. I honestly think they each only use 2 drawers and the bottom 2 drawers are filled with Pokemon cards. 

I bought a couple of high barstools on Amazon. They have backs that's are removable, but the kids seem to like the backs. They can also be used as step stools in order to get Legos down from the storage shelf. This table area is so great for building Legos or playing board games. 

Charlie had to check out what all the fuss was about! 

The boys decided to put their baby pictures and trinkets under the IKEA wall shelf. 

Zeke is no longer sleeping on a mattress on the floor, but he still has a partial cave! 

This corner was a bit dark for reading so I also bought a lamp. 

They have tons of Lego storage!!

All their creations on display! 

It was so fun seeing this come to fruition. Owen was so sweet when we were finished with this room he said that we needed to do something in our room now since we've been making things nice and new for the kids it was our turn. 

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