Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Halloween 2023!

After the Fall Festival, we brought home our pumpkins and carved them up! 

Zeke wanted a white pumpkin this year. He did a great job! 

Owen of course paid Jack to take out the guts of his pumpkin and then he used one of those templates to make a fun design. This one says "Welcome" and has 3 cute pumpkins on the bottom. 

On Halloween poor Ella Grace had a migraine so Michael ended up staying home with her and I took the boys down to Ga-Ga & Pa's. Traffic was a nightmare and it took us almost 2 hours to get to their house. 

It was worth it to make these memories with these sweet kids though! 

Addison was a Farmer, Anna was a Cat, Caleb was a Nerd, Owen was the Grim Reaper, Jack was a Knight's Templar and Zeke was a Seahawks Player. 

We even bought the pumpkins to Ga-Ga & Pa's to show off! 

Anna brought hers as well....she cut out a appropriate! 

Love this picture of Owen...the blue sky in the background seems creepy! 

We walked around the neighborhood and I got to chat with Bill & Christina while the kids went door to door. Not sure how much longer we'll keep this up, but I'd like them to stay kids for as long as they can. 

Checking out their hauls! 

Love this lady! 

I think it was right around this time that I started wearing my glasses full time. I had Lasik in Dec 2017 and my eyes had been doing great. Then in winter of 2022 I noticed that driving at night was getting harder for me. The glare from the headlights was really becoming as issue and reading streets signs was also becoming harder. I got these glasses to only wear for driving at night. For about a year that was fine, but then I noticed that my eyes were getting really tired during school so I started wearing them while doing school with the kids as well. After that it just became easier to wear them all the time. I'm still fine without them. In fact when I went to get RX sunglasses the eye doctor told me my RX was so low that our insurance wouldn't even cover RX sunglasses. I ended up just paying for them with Michael's HSA account. When I wear my sunglasses and then run into a store to buy something I usually don't even change them out for my normal glasses I just push the sunglasses to the top of my head like a headband. I like wearing my glasses because they just make everything look more sharp! Plus they are super cute!

The Kuch Klan! 

Ga-Ga & Pa with almost all their G-Kids! 

Poor Ella ended up throwing up quite a few times due to her migraine so it was a good thing she stayed home. 

The next day she was feeling right as rain so I had her put on her new costume. She's just the cutest hippy girl! Hopefully next year she'll get to show it off when she goes out! 

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