Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Cutest Baby Ever!

I know I'm totally and completely biased when it comes to this topic, but I think Owen is absolutely the most beautiful baby EVER! I mean he beats the Gerber baby hands down. I don't particularly think of myself as a pretty person so I never really thought I would have a beautiful baby. Michael is pretty nice looking though! But to look at Owen and see how adorable he is still shocks me to think that he's a part of me.


  1. I know exactly the feeling you're experiencing. When I look at Alec, I can hardly believe he shares my blood. To me, Alec is the perfect little boy :) His skin, his eys, his lips, his agile fingers all are just a blessing. When I saw Owen yesterday, I am sure you could tell I could not keep my eyes off him!! He IS a beautiful baby. The biggest and cutest smile ever, and his deep blue eyes are just so wonderful. And he is a HAPPY baby! :) I am so glad you came by.

  2. Owen is the cutest little gift I have ever been given. Today at Bill & Nicky's party he fell asleep on my chest and I got to kiss him and feel him breathing and smell his little baby smell! What a treat!! He is truly a beautiful baby and I thank GOD for him everyday!! Gramma loves you so much Owen Michael...
