Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Father's Day

This last Sunday was Michael's first Father's Day. I made french toast for breakfast and Michael opened three cards. One from GG & Peepaw, one from Owen and one from me. Since I got a gift certificate for Mother's Day to the spa to go away and have some time to myself I got Michael a gift certificate to go paint balling with his friends. He hasn't been in a long time so it should be a lot of fun. Well as much fun as willingly going out in a field and shooting at each other only to come home with welts all over your body can be.

1 comment:

  1. That bumble thing Owen is sitting on is growing on me. I think it is a lot easier than putting him in a high chair at this age. He is still included at the dining table and he just looks so cute on it!! :)
