Friday, December 26, 2008

The 13 Dates of Christmas...Past, Future & Presents (Date 9 - 13)

The day after Michael bought me my new ring he gave me another present. He had wrapped up our wedding video so we could watch it together. I don't like watching or hearing myself on video so I think I've only watched it once before. We waited until the boys went to bed and then snuggled together to watch it. It was actually really fun and we exchanged rings and danced together in our bedroom. Ahhhhh!!!!!!!

The next day Michael had to postpone his plans because of the snow so instead I got a "Univeral Gift Card" ($40). He thought he'd have a back up plan just in case the weather didn't cooperate. He sure thought of everything. I told him it kind of fit into the timeline he had going because after our wedding we opened cards with money in them!!!

The next day Michael gave me another gift which was a picture of our condo that we bought when we were just 21. We drove over there after I cleaned my mom's house and visited with one of our old neighbors. It was fun to take that walk down memory lane.

The next day I got another gift which was a picture of Swedish hospital where our two beautiful boys were born at. Michael wanted to drive up there to see our doctor and see if they would let us peek in on the room where I stayed, but I figured they would be too busy to let us do that and the weather wasn't that nice. So we decided to celebrate our boys by just staying home all day and spending time with them. We also made cookies and that was really nice. Since we were celebrating the boys Michael also gave me the cookbook Deceptively Delicious by Jessica Seinfeld. I've been wanting it for a while now since Owen won't eat vegetables. I'm so excited to try out the recipes. Hopefully he won't notice that there are vegetable purees mixed into his food.

On Christmas Eve I got a bunch of fun stuff that I can use to make cards. One of the presents was a mirror image stamp so I can reverse the direction a stamp faces. It's so cool! I didn't even know they made such a thing.

On Christmas Day I got my 'future' gift which is a 2-night stay at The Lodge at Tiburon in Northern California. We have decided to not go to Hawaii for our anniversary in May, (5 1/2 hours on a plane each way with two kids 2 and no no!!!) so this is where we are going instead. Michael found this place by chance on the Internet. It looks amazing and I love San Francisco so we are going to have a blast. I can't wait to go!

On top of all the wonderful things Michael got me I also got...the movie Fools Gold, 24 Seasons 1 - 3, $15 Gift Card to Old Navy and a day with my mom all to myself...meals included!!

I had such a great Christmas!!!

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