Sunday, December 28, 2008

Not Me Monday

It's another week of freeing myself of the thing I most certainly do not do! MckMama is taking a break from Not Me Monday this week, but you can check out her blog anyway and see what's going on in her life.

1. I did not change Jack's diaper this week on a blanket in the living room only to find that he had pooped everywhere and then strip him down right then and there so I could bathe him. I also did not then get peed on while I was waiting for the sink to fill up for his bath. He most certainly would have been finished emptying both his bladder and bowels prior to me holding his naked self in the kitchen.

2. Speaking of poop I most certainly would have not changed yet another one of Jack's diapers and discover there was poo in it and set said poopy diaper on the floor and notice later that the poop that was in the diaper had rolled out onto the floor. I also did not just take a baby wipe and mop up the floor...of course I would have ran and got the actually mop and Lysol and cleaned the floor properly because I have tons of free time on my hands.

3. Speaking of cleaning I most certainly am not one of those mothers that licks their baby's face when a baby wipe or washcloth is not conveniently within reach. That would be way too gross especially since said face was covered with leftover baby banacado...ewww!!!

4. Speaking of food I would absolutely not sneak vegetables puree into our food because Owen won't eat them...ever. That would be too devious of me.

Okay let's hear what you didn't do this last week!!!

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