Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Bathtime for Two

Yesterday I was not feeling very good, but both of the boys needed to be bathed so I decided to be efficient with my time and bathe them both at the same time. It was Jack's first time taking a bath in the sink and he did really well. He's so good at sitting up as long as he has something behind him. At first I had the water a little to warm, but once I fixed that it was a great time. Jack chewed on his washcloth and Owen just kept brushing his hair with his hairbrush after he dipped it in Jack's water. I guess Jack's water was better than his...of course...everything Jack has is better!


  1. Those are so cute! And you're a brave mom-- two boys in the sink at the same time!!! *applauds*

  2. I use to love giving Cameron a bath in the kitchen sink. It was so much easier on the back then hovering over the side of the bath tub. CUTE PICS!!
