Tuesday, December 2, 2008


So this year we made the trek down to Oregon to Michael's family. There was supposed to be 60 of us, but lots of people didn't make it due to illnesses. The boys did amazingly well for never sleeping in the same room before. Thank goodness since they will soon be sharing a room. It was so nice to see family, eat, shop and just have a nice time away from the norm. Can't believe Christmas is right around the corner!!!

Here Owen is walking Aunt TD's dog Piper. He would only hold onto the leach for a little bit and then drop it and then pick it back up again. He also loved to point at Piper and bark. She's such a mellow dog so that was good.

This is Prado she is a Pomeranian she was so much smaller than Piper that Owen kept calling her a meow meow.

I always have a hard time getting a picture of Rick & Michelle and the kids, but this one turned out really nice. Baby (Poodle in the background) was 'adopted' by Paige as her dog so she had to be in the picture too.

Paige lovin' on Jack. I had been eyeing these PJ's at Children's Place for awhile now and I was so happy that they were 50% off!!!

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