Monday, April 6, 2009

Another Award

Nikki you are spoiling me!
Rules of the award...
1. Link back to the person who sent you the award.
2. List 7 things you love
3. Link to 7 blogs and then let them know they have an award waiting for them.
My 7 things...
1. I love getting out of the house. I'm sure you've noticed that by all my blogging lately.
2. I love receiving packages or letters in the mail. I guess I'm old fashion. Email is great though too!
3. I love it when Michael makes dinner. Lately that's been a lot!
4. I love the way babies smell right from the bath.
5. I love ice cold water!
6. I love gift bags. I hardly ever wrap gifts in boxes anymore.
7. I love sitting around the campfire and just talking with friends.
Here are the blogs I'm passing the award onto...only 6, but that's good enough!
Scott @ CrawFu

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