Monday, April 6, 2009

Grandparents are too fun!

On Sunday afternoon Ga-Ga & Pa came over to watch the boys so Michael and I could go watch a movie. By these pictures I'm not sure who had a better time...Ga-Ga & Pa or the boys.

Owen loves it when you wear his construction hat.

From what Ga-Ga said Jack didn't really want to play with Pa, he just wanted his Ga-Ga.

I can't believe Pa went through Owen & Jack's tunnel. It's a tight squeeze! But it definitely made Owen laugh.

After playing inside Ga-Ga & Pa took the boys out to the garage so have some fun with the toys out there. By the time we got home they were definitely tuckered out!

I'm so glad that my boys are blessed with such wonderful Grandparents that love them and want to play with them. Thanks Ga-Ga & Pa!

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