Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ahhh....that's comfy!

Since Owen has been taking his naps in the spare bedroom he has been getting used to sleeping with covers and pillows. Before that he would just sleep with his stuffed animals and a blanket, but not really covers. So the other day I decided to let him sleep with a pillow and covers in his toddler bed. Normally he kicks the covers off by morning and he's scooted down where his head is not on the pillow.
This picture was taken on Friday morning so I think he's getting the hang of it. As you can see the Elmo that Pa bought him is sleeping right next to him where it is every night...I'm telling you I think I would get freaked out if I woke up in the middle of the night and saw that thing staring at me! Oh yeah and the covers that Owen is using is an afghan that I crocheted before I was even pregnant with him. It's a rainbow Noah's Ark pattern. I finished the whole thing myself except for the border which GG had to do since I was totally inept at getting the corners to come out correct.

1 comment:

  1. So cute and growing up so fast! Got another award for you on my blog... :)
