Tuesday, April 7, 2009

West Fenwick Park

On Friday afternoon after the boys napped we decided to get outside and enjoy the semi spring like weather we were having. We headed over to a park that's only a few minutes drive from our house. I've wanted to take the boys there for a while now, but just never got around to it. It was surprisingly a really nice park. It had two playgrounds for the kids and a merry go round, basketball courts, two baseball fields, a skate park, three racket ball courts and two tennis courts.
Could he get any cuter?

I haven't worn Jack in the Moby Wrap in quite awhile, but since he'd just try to eat everything on the ground if I put him down I decided it was better that he get carried around instead.

I was really surprised to see one of these old metal curly slides. I love these things. The climb up was pretty steep so it made me nervous watching Owen climb up with his little legs. He did great though and Mommy and Jack even went down twice.

Sir Jackson!

Princess Owen....huh??? I don't think so!

Did I mention he loves slides!
After Owen was done or I should rephrase that...after we were done letting Owen play we walked across the soggy baseball fields to this hill that's kind of steep. We decided to hike up it to get a better view. Unfortunately it wasn't clear enough to see Mount Rainier, but imagine it...it would be right beside Michael in the background. I guess we'll just have to go back on a nicer day.

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