Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fav 8's

I've been tagged by Nikki from Aunt of 14 list my favs.

Here's the rules--mention the person that tagged you. Complete the lists of 8's. Tag 8 of your wonderful blogger friends. Go tell them you tagged them!

8 Things I Am Looking Forward To:

1 - Michael and I going to San Francisco in May.
2 - Michael getting home today...I hate it when he works on a Saturday.
3 - Jack walking.
4 - The average temperature being over 65 degrees on a daily basis.
5 - My mom retiring...if my dad will ever let her. :)
6 - Possibly going to Disneyland later this year.
7 - Getting 8 hours of sleep every night.
8 - Mill Creek Garage Sales next Saturday.

8 Things I Did Yesterday:

1 - Swiffered
2 - Cooked
3 - Nursed Jack
4 - Took a shower
5 - Hung out with Jen
6 - Blogged
7 - Did the dished
8 - Laughed

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:

1 - Have the motivation and coordination to be good at a sport.
2 - Learn the skills of photography.
3 - Speak another language fluently.
4 - Have more patience.
5 - Garden and grow things instead of kill them. (Steph you seriously have your work cut out for you)
6 - Travel more.
7 - Read more...I was doing good, but after the Twilight Series I lost my motivation.
8 - Shop everyday.

8 Shows I Watch:

1 - House (Only the reruns on USA though)
2 - Survivor
3 - Biggest Loser
4 - Ghost Whisperer
5 - Designed to Sell
6 - Design on a Dime
7 - Wheel of Fortune
8 - Jeopardy

Okay I know I'm going to get made fun of for the last two but that's what we watch the last hour before the boys go to bed. It's certainly family friendly TV and Owen loves seeing the letters and I sometimes feel smarter or dumber watching Jeopardy depending on whether or not I know the answers.

Whenever I tag people no one does it so I'm just going to leave it open. If you'd like to list your Fav 8's on your blog more power to you. Comment on this post though so I can check them out.

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